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It's just fundamentally not a disorder to dislike authority. It's not a disorder to be upset about things that have happened to you, or to react strongly or emotionally to oppression. I find it so exhausting that in order to receive support and needed accommodations people are forced to basically label parts of their experiences as diseased or extraordinary and accept forever-stigmatization of them. It makes me fucking ill.

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Ummmmmmmm. This seems illegal. Is this not illegal?

A disabled and chronically ill writer, who goes by @broadwaybabyto on social media, views masking as community care, saying she wears a “mask to protect others and show solidarity with all disabled and vulnerable people.… Many of us have sacrificed four and a half years of our lives, going to great lengths to preserve whatever health we have left.… As more and more COVID restrictions were dropped, masks remained as the single best accessibility tool disabled people had.… Taking that away…tells us you want us dead.… You don’t want us in your world. And it hurts.”

This part.

I want to believe this will remove the plausibility deniability for at least some voters and tank his chances, but. I’ve believed that before.

Thank god, i thought I was going to have to reevaluate some things.

This kind of thing just hurts all the regular non-fascist spicybrained people. He’s not dangerous because of a mental illness, he’s dangerous because he keeps doing horrible things on purpose with full knowledge and self control and the backing of other powerful assholes.

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!!!! Yay for them! This is great to hear.

(deleted my comment because I think I need more time to chew on my thoughts about this topic)

I feel like I am losing my entire mind whenever I read or hear most news outlets and almost all elected officials talking about anything to do with Palestine.

I daresay I’m feeling a little hope.

I am room-temperature on Harris, but the coconut tree anecdote is a really great quote.

His body might be medium age but his values are from 1900. He’s old in a Victorian robber baron sense.

People haven't adjusted yet to the reality that online social ecosystems matter, they affect so much in the real world. Decimating multiple online spaces in such a short time has consequences and i hate that a handful of random guys with no stake in any of it except money get to make decisions like that.

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Thanks for posting this context. I’ve been wondering about this aspect of this event

Sadly that last bit is also true where I am. Ugh.

Tears of the kingdom over here. It’s bringing me joy

None of those things are true. True crime media’s misuse of sciencey sounding words is gonna be the death of us. Pds are mental illnesses, pds are treatable, and psychopath is generally a pejorative term for someone having an experience that the dsm would categorize as psychosis.

Edit: I want to add that the criteria for personality disorders is not cut and dry, but has a lot to do with social norms and a lot of marginalized people (i.e. women) get scooped up into those categories whether or not they actually fit them. Insurance (or other healthcare systems) also require diagnoses to pay for treatment, so the process is often sloppy and rushed. The truth is that mental illness categories are not irrefutable truths or a reliable way to tell much about an actual person from afar. They’re just different kinds of people + circumstance. So you really can’t say that “people with X are BAD and always dangerous”. You just don’t know. The world and people are just not predictable or simple that way.

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Exactly this. I hope that privacy is talked about in these terms more often going forward. It’s about so much more than what’s illegal or might put a person in danger. We cannot be authentic and connect to one another if we are constantly wary of some imaginary audience!!!! Surveillance and what buzzfeed called “panopticontent” have absolutely wrecked and flattened self expression and in so many contexts where people used to be so vibrant. People who say “I have nothing to hide” miss the point entirely.

This is a great suggestion. I haven’t read it cover to cover but no text is better at indicting exactly what i’m thinking of. I didn’t realize the fifth one was only in 2013. I have a great therapist now, but the people who were working in the places I encountered around 2012-2015 repeated and believed the most harmful unscientific nonsense it was wild. No critical thinking at all. It has always seemed so wild to me that certain people are allowed to use that goddamn disaster book to make such consequential decisions about the lives of vulnerable people that have just met. Thanks for reminding me of this.

In a decade or two, when i organize my thoughts on this, maybe i will.

These people need to redirect their followers' attention and anger onto literally anything but real circumstances. I'm so tired, it keeps working.

Kids going to school cannot reasonably be expected to have the knowledge, forethought, or ability to protect themselves from privacy violations. They lack the rights, info and social power to meaningfully do anything about this. That's why it's exploitative and harmful. Edit: that's also to say nothing of the chilling effect this is going to have on kids who DO need to talk about something but now feel they have to hide it, or feel ashamed of it. Shit is bad news all around.

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This is just not true, though. Not according to the DSM or to anyone actually living with these conditions. Tons of people with personality disorders seek help, want relief from their symptoms, and have no desire to hurt people. There are a bunch of vlogs and articles and podcasts by the exact people you are saying do not exist. NPD and ASPD are just two highly stigmatized disorders that plenty of people live with. It sucks to struggle with social functioning, so of course people seek help.

It is also generational - the idea that ‘x people never get help’ probably has a lot to do with how flawed mental healthcare has been in most places in the past 100 years. Even seeking treatment for something like anxiety can still lead to bad outcomes today, so it makes sense that people struggling with something very stigmatized would be more likely to hesitate to see someone about it. People can still lose their rights over mental illness in many countries, not to mention their social status/ability to find work/etc. the risks are real.

Sociopath and psychopath are not medical terms. They don’t refer to anything real, they’re a crime-media thing. Also, people who say that anyone who is violent or abusive has a personality disorder are talking nonsense - lundy bancroft’s Why Does He Do That has a good section on why/how abusers usually are not mentally ill (or are not doing abuse because of their mental illness) but instead want an excuse for their behavior. Abuse is almost always intentional and thought through. It’s about power, it isn’t an accident.

Most mental illnesses are also not ‘only episodic’. Ocd is all the time, depression is all the time, etc. There is a lot of misinformation here. I would suggest getting info about mental health from reputable medical sources and people who live with the conditions you’re talking about. There are a lot of myths out there.

Soundfont. What an incredible word.

This album is so great and this is such a goodweird take on it.

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That’s fascinating. It was already the playstation era by the time I encountered any video games, so it never occurred to me that game music would have to be made in any special way.

Watching this backlash to me too play out has been one of the most disheartening experiences of my life. It’s given every creep out there a playbook for getting away with things they know are wrong, and for some reason tons of people still see them as martyrs and harrass people who come forward. It’s an age old dynamic but the specific talking points and patterns in use right now are just so eerie and matchy. From celebrities to that guy in your community who everyone knows about. People use the exact same phrases and tactics. It’s boiled down all the awful thoughtless things people used to say to victims into an actual, coherent ideology that some people consciously subscribe to. At least, subjectively from where I’m sitting.

The almost complete lack of real coverage of this in upstate new york media is really glaring. Grateful to unicorn riot for doing journalism.

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Hot! I forgot about Twinnings. They are pretty good.

For real, I remember there being heavy, consistent snow covering on the ground for months at a time as a kid. Not so much now. It’s depressing

Damn! When I was younger loose leaf tea was only available at some pretty pricey stores. Glad to find out about this, thanks

Good is important too. I said ‘low end’ to differentiate from the $8 box of 15 tea bags that many places sell, but the cheapest discount brand where I typically shop has some quality issues I want to avoid (i.e. staleness, weird un-tea-like flavors, bags that get holes, etc.)

Hell yeah this is exactly what i was looking for. Thanks

I really disagree with the idea that a person using any software which costs money or is corporate controlled is 'opposition' to free software or other movements against capitalism in tech.

Thanks. I’m generally a little skeptical of things like this, but I’m also skeptical of the materials used in pretty much everything these days, so. I’m currently on team nonstick because I moved and needed some pans under $10 that would make my food hot. So that was my main consideration. It definitely does sound like stainless is probably a better bet in the future though, if/when I ever get around to buying quality kitchen things.

Yep. What’s infuriating is that there are plenty of news outlets near Utica just…none that are really talking about it much (with one exception being the Hamilton College paper). I’m so happy to see how active and strong the community has been, even though it seems most people in power would rather that nobody know about that part.


Religion For Breakfast is so great.


I get this, some people are just the worst and hard to be around for whatever reason, and some of them can stop their behavior easily and others need support to do that- but i do object to categorizing and labelling and medicating and policing these people. Some people just fucking suck. But they have the right to suck and deserve neither to be relegated to a label in an oppressive way OR as in a way they can use as an excuse to avoid accountability for being shitty to others. Medicalizing weird or rude behavior has lots of effects that harm everyone, asshole and non asshole. The categories are socially determined, so assholes with power do not get categorized like that anyway. It's mostly marginalized people who end up with those labels following them around and affecting how they are treated by others.

Fuck stephen miller though, for sure. Confirmed bigoted asshole.

You have articulated exactly how I feel whenever I see that word in a headline haha.