Windows 11 now shows a full-screen pop-up to use OneDrive and protect your PC

lemme to – 557 points –

In addition to monthly reminders to use Microsoft Edge and Microsoft 365, Windows 11 now recommends using OneDrive. A recent Windows Update triggers a full-screen pop-up for OneDrive, which looks like the OOBE (out-of-the-box experience) that typically pops up when you install Windows 11 for the first time.

First spotted by Windows Latest, Windows 11 has a new pop-up titled “Let’s back up your files,” which appears automatically when you start your PC.

It’s worth noting that OneDrive’s free storage is limited to 5GB, so you need to buy storage to use the Windows Backup feature. It isn’t practically possible to backup your complete PC to OneDrive in the long run unless you have empty folders.

Also, if you do manage to skip the OneDrive pop-up when booting Windows, you’ll see another notification that warns your PC that it is not fully backed up with an alert icon.

It isn’t possible to pause or remove these alerts and full-screen pop-ups in Windows 11 if you live outside the European Union.


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the EU should put all these companies through the fucking WRINGER. better yet, the States can help regulate them! imagine all the power massive tech corpos would lose if the EU and the US worked together to bring them down. then the EU's regulations would also apply basically anywhere else, since tech companies watch the US market the closest (and they can't afford to lose this market unless they... idk, move to China)

better yet, the States can help regulate them!

Did someone say tax cut for the rich!

Only if we can ease up on some environmental regulations and gut an unrelated federal agency too!

as if they can even move to China, its market is already dominated by domestic replacements for everything

damn, you're right. India then, maybe? i don't know how reliable the Indian market is, because i don't know much about India (Bharat? when are they going through with the name change)

A colleague of mine (we work government, so Microsoft all the way) spent a month in India learning their ways and I couldn't be more envious. All open source and cloud agnostic.

Or better yet consumers could stop supporting shitty companies and use alternatives instead, seeing as we're listing fantasies...

The alternatives.. That once they shows a bit of growth and promise gets bought up by a bigger and greedier company, that then gets bought up by one of the big corpos and carefully discontinued in favor of their own product.

If my Linux distro gets bought by a big greedy company I'll switch to a different distro.

Linux itself isn't a company. And cant be bought up even if Linux Foundation is taken over. And its not like you support Linux Foundation when you download one of the free distros.