Cotton says Trump’s ‘you won’t have to vote anymore’ comment was him ‘obviously making a joke’ to politics – 216 points –

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you're sitting there trying to convince everyone that trump means something OTHER than that he plans to crown himself supreme dictator, which he's been implying for YEARS. in ALL the contexts.

i AM emotional, and maybe even broken. but one thing i'm NOT is gullible. "it was a joke" please... again, GTFO with this "out of context" bullshit. trump said voting is going away if he wins. cotton said it was a joke. the end.

Your argument is that Trump said he wants to be supreme dictator so when he says the sky is pink we should interpret that statement to mean he wants to be supreme dictator.

I'm arguing that we should focus on why he's claiming the sky is pink in addition to focusing on the threat of him intent on being supreme dictator.

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