One of Reddit’s biggest communities is suggesting users move to Discord to – 434 points –
One of Reddit’s biggest communities is suggesting users move to Discord

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Yeah! Main difference for me: I have to sort posts way more by new than ever on Reddit to find new stuff. Active an Hot sometimes have week old posts in them. But that is a Lemmy thing and not a Voyage* thing. . . . . . . . . . . .

*It's still wefwef to me!

Sorting by Top 6 Hours or 12 Hours works the best for me I found.

Top/hour and top/6 hours are my go to.

I feel like perhaps wefwef was just a domain they had laying around and decided to use it. It was always a bloody strange name.

I guess that's what I like about the name: it's so different and strange. I started to use the Fediverse with different apps and wasn't interested in progressive web apps but tried out wefwef just because it sounded different. As of now I browse Lemmy 95% with Voyager and like it a lot! Would have never tried it out had it another name!