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Joined 1 years ago

I checked Hexbear a couple of times in the last weeks and although they brand themselfs as some lefty/communist/socialist community, I always thought it felt more like some edgelords being against for the sake of being against. Also the tone is pretty rude and made me think of certain Subreddits I usually avoided back when I was on Reddit.

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The rating is 77. 77 is the lowest rating a game in the main series of Assassins Creed has received. This means the other games have 78 or up. How in the world is this considered bad? For an entire fucking franchise? Not a fan of the series or anything but I just think it's ridiculous how this is an actual headline! Don't the journalists have nothing else to report on regarding video games and the industry? Layoffs? Toxic people and business practices? Microtransactions?

Nah, instead they go: "pretty good (but not great) game is slightly less good than other pretty good (but not great) games in an overall pretty good (but not great) franchise." Ugh!

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It's all just buzzwordsalad at this point.

Who the fuck genuinely cares about a digital plot of land? The only reason stuff like this attracts people is the hope to make money, and therefore only people who only care about the monetary aspect play games like Legacy.

I highly suggest the YouTube channel "Jauwn"! The dude plays nft games "frome the perspective of a gamer", so he tries to give those games a fair shot (although he is clearly biased against nfts in general). To no one's surprise each and every nft game is just a grift to mine money in the pockets of idiots who think they are smarter than the rest.

Hades! Whenever you die, you get reborn in the "house" of your father Hades. Dying and being reborn is an integral part of this game and is what keeps the story going. You also get to upgrade and unlock weapons that way. Highly recommend this game if you like fastpaced and smartly designed action games!

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Just in case no one bothered to check: This website is satire. The list is not there, because that's the joke. Not a good one but, oh well.

If you don't believe me: From the About section:

Hard Drive is a very real video games news site that you should not question. Just absorb the information as truth and move on. JK it’s satire don’t ban us.

Eh, there is a ton of content creators who make cool stuff and don't endanger other people.

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Well yeah, obviously! Ukraine was (and is) one of the poorest countries in Europe. But if you look at Russia having a huge military and billions and billions more in military spending didn't help them. In the first months of the war Ukraine had not a lot of foreign equipment and they still held their own.

What I try to say: Ukraine is fighting for it's very existence and I think that alone is the main factor why they are so good on the battlefield compared to Russia!

Cassette Beasts was also made with Godot!

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Wouldn't it be ironic if this shit would be an even greater downfall for them than erasing third party apps? This whole giving-awards thing was pretty stupid to begin with and didn't happen as much in the smaller subs I was subscribed to than in the big ones. It was mainly a way for Reddit to trick the hive mind into giving them money for someone pointing out stuff most people agreed on. Also: anyone remember Reddit selling their shitty nfts?

Those numbers in the hundreds of thousands (often referred to as "liquidated" in the numbers published by the Ukrainians) contain killed, missing, Pow and injured. Also those numbers are likely inflated for obvious reasons: this is an information war just as much as one on the battlefield. There are some sources (Oryx on Twitter for example) and people who digest those kind of sources (Perun on YouTube for example) I suggest watching to be as good informed as possible. And yet there will still be copius amounts of disinformation, propaganda and fake news on both sides and we probably have to wait years afters this war has ended to know at least some truths.

Swimming. My brother in law is from India and he never learned how to swim due to him growing up in a place with only one extremely dirty river and no other lakes or swimming pools near his family. Apparently no one in his family can swim. He kinda can swim now but it still looks funny. A bit like I must have looked from the outside when I learned to swim - as a six years old. I always found this very odd because the dude is smart, hard working and has a degree but it took years and him becoming a dad to realize that swimming is something pretty much everyone can.

I personally don't care a lot about Kojima's games but I still think it's absolutely great he gets to make whatever he makes because he is a unique voice in gaming! In a sea of games as a service, mindless franchise milking and countless copycats someone like him is needed to make outlandish stuff, whether I like the games or not. Tons of people do and that's great!

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Yeah, I saw Kindergarten Cop too!

Yeah! I played it something like two years ago and it aged wonderful! I mean, I wish them all the success in the world but this game doesn't actually need a remake

I am totally fine with them only marginally improving combat. Fighting monsters in the first Dragons Dogma is still to this day the best feeling combat in any rpg! What I hope they improve on is the story, the way the story is presented and the way the player can impact the world. The only character from I can remember by name is Mercedes and only because I accidentally let her die in her escort mission and then for her to appear later as if nothing happened.

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Reddit was never toxic in recent years

Nah dude, you can't be serious. It obviously varies between the communities and the bubble you created for yourself on Reddit. But even in the smaller somewhat niche subs I frequented had people acting toxic and hostile. And it became more and more in recent years. And I am definitely not talking about all the manospehre, incel and cringe subs. Those are on a whole other level of toxic and at least as bad as similar algorithmic bubbles on Twitter.

There is also toxicity on Lemmy, too. But you can just manage what you consume so much better. Never encountered Hexbear stuff outside of drama posts for example.

Eh, I think this can work like sponsored messages on YouTube videos: probably not immediately a lot of clicks on the product but over time more and more people recognize it and know what it is. And I like to think that over time Spez will be recognized as the soulless fucker who is hated by the very community he is trying to sell. Reddit lost a lot of charm in the last couple of months, even more than was already lost before and his name is tied to the whole thing. I hope!

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Yes, literally a show on Russian state TV. He got a paycheck from the Russian government. I mean, is it that hard to grasp that this little fact makes the "he's a russian asset" accusations at least understandable? And I am not saying he is one. I am not that informed about him and Wikileaks to have a strong opinion.

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The two (also slightly different names) I see on my Spotify have a "Viral songs on tiktok" playlist in their profile. So it's probably a way to spread/spam songs around?

Man, I have to do this also. No idea why the algorithm doesn't pick up on me not wanting to watch some idiot ranting about how videogames are woke or whatever.

So, Far Cry on Pandora?

Spotify is 10 a month for a normal subscription, so Pocket Casts is roughly a third of that for one year. I don't like Spotify for podcasts at all but it is a big part of the service nowadays. Still awfully expensive for Pocket Casts when you consider that it is just for podcasts and no music - unlike Spotify.

Not defending the mx in Dragons Dogma 2 but at least in the first one I think the way fast travel works was kinda good. It's cumbersome and not very flexible but it fits the kind of game it is and you have to actually think about where you want to go instead of zipping around the map. Imo

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Haha, this makes me actually nostalgic thinking about some of the warez sites I frequented back in 2002/2003! Scanning for "pubs" with scetchy software was what I considered a good time back then.

Reddit wasn't like that all the time. I do remember a time on Reddit where it was - or at least felt like it - a bit like it feels on Lemmy right now. Lots of nerdy outsider communities and admins who seemed to care. Not trying to be a negative nancy here, just a reality check or something like that.

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Yeah! Main difference for me: I have to sort posts way more by new than ever on Reddit to find new stuff. Active an Hot sometimes have week old posts in them. But that is a Lemmy thing and not a Voyage* thing. . . . . . . . . . . .

*It's still wefwef to me!

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Oh fuck, I had no idea Warhorse studios was also part of the whole Embracer mess! They better not kill the studio off! Now that we got to see a glimpse of the new Kingdom Come game I don't know how I could handle the game being canceled.

I mean, if you phrase it that way, sure. Just a dude in his spare room. But then again, aside from the fact that he makes probably 20 000 dollar a month alone from his Patreon, almost everyone who is interested in video games knows this man's name for way over a decade. More like two decades, actually. And while he certainly hasn't anywhere near the same visibility as he had at Gamespot or Giantbomb, way more of the people who do follow him, actually pay him money directly. Reach alone isn't what's important these days. And yet, Jeff still has the potential to influence a lot of people who do not directly give him money. He also has a podcast, he streams and has 170k follower on Twitter. And if he has a very contrarian take on something, it will get noticed. Maybe not as much as 15 years ago but still noticed.

A bit of a ramble, sorry! I guess it triggered some memories of me listening to Giantbomb with him, Ryan, Vinnie, Alex and Brad while going to work or cleaning the house. Bombcast was pretty much the first podcast I regularly listened to.

I don't think an edited video counts as "full video". "A bit more context to that video of the interior of a Hummvee from earlier" seems more fitting.

Anaway enough splitting hairs: I'm glad the guys in the vehicle seemed to come out alive! And if clips like this one convince more people to give more money to Ukraine, so more people survive this war I'm all for it!

Also: great choice of music for once!

I agree 100% with you! Just a tiny thing I'd like to add: Ubi does, aside from some shitty practices, microtransactions and a ton of stupid money grabbing games, actually makes also a lot of good games. Their "Indie" games series form a couple of years ago had some games where you could feel the love the people making them put in. Valiant Hearts will forever be one of my favorite gaming experiences be!

To me personally: Google and their Pixel phones! I am now on my 3rd Pixel phone (3a, 4, 7) and each and every one of those phones where just really good phones! Great build quality, features that worked and great cameras; I had other phones that I liked a lot (most notably the Oneplus 3 and to a certain degree the Oneplus 1) but none of them felt so well rounded as my current Pixel 7. I have to use a midrange Samsung for work and it is just awful compared to the also midrange Pixel 3a I had! One lags constantly, installs the same bloat everytime I update it, takes average to bad photos and is missing stuff I have come to appreciate on my phone. My old 3a was working until just recently and until the end it just felt smooth to use it.

I guess Apple should be mentioned too. Not a fan personally but their hardware is really well made and a lot of people love ios.

Social media wasn't a thing back when IRC was big but it did basically the same as modern social media sites do today: people connected and talked. And I would argue that Twitch/Discord/YouTube do different things than Facebook or Twitter in the end all of those places are there to connect and talk about stuff (and to harvest money and data).

No Mans Sky still to this day sells pretty good. Sure, they don't sell a million copies every week but Hello Games is pretty small and they can comfortably keep pumping out content even if they only sell, say, 15k per month. And given how NMS is still talked about so frequently, how they launched for the Switch recently (my second copy btw) and how well received the VR was, I think that number is pretty reasonable.

As much as I like to shit on Reddit, Twitter is, in my opinion, still way worse. Way, way worse! I follow exclusively left leaning accounts and a couple of game developers on Twitter, yet my 'for you' tab has increasingly more right wing bullshit thrown my way. And I actively block stupid Nazi shit. Still, the Twitter algorithm thinks I might be interested in some local assholes who say openly racist and bigoted stuff.

We have one of those. It's called "Sparschäler" over here in Germany. I have no idea how to translate it but maybe "a thing that peels and saves as much of the veggie in the process" or savingspeeler?? Whatever, my point is: those little teeth are something else! I got them stuck in the skin of my fingers/hand so often, I got another one without the teeth. The one without teeth isn't as effective (especially when I peel carrots) and cuts more off the vegetables I peel. Feels smoother, though!

I always wondered on what engine the first Xenoblade Chronicles is running. Absolutely massive beautiful landscapes and it runs absolutely smooth even on the 3Ds! No pop ins either!

I can't view it because it says "NSFW". Why? Wtf!

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You should really provide a bit more information other than a cropped screenshot and a vage question! I mean, the way you posted it would probably fit in a forum/discord that's specific for whatever game it is your question refers to.

Maybe that's just me but I think it's good etiquette to at least mention what game you are talking about.

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It's like magic! You spend money and - poof - it's gone.

Well, welcome to the club, I guess? Hard to understand how a corporation as big as Google (or Alphabet) has such a hard time catching up to other music/podcast services. I am subscribed to Youtube premium, so I try Youtube music every once in a while and it's just not as good as Spotify! The playlists Spotify generates are lightyears ahead of anything Yt music has. And the main page of YouTube music is just random stuff that has nothing to do with anything even remotely similar to stuff I listened to. Also, so many artist pages still have no additional information about the artist/band.

Anyway, for podcasts I prefer Pocketcasts. The free version is more than enough for the amount of podcasts I actively listen to.