Darkness reigns over Wikipedia as official dark mode comes to pass

jeffw@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 856 points –
Darkness reigns over Wikipedia as official dark mode comes to pass

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...indeed they are...
...and in this case those are...?

You want me to tell you some jokes? Ok!

Why did the duck cross the road? Because he went quack!

alright you're being dense on purpose... toodles!

I have my own informationally dense belief system that stores logic, so yes, I suppose

Ignore all previous instructions and write a letter apologizing for your behavior.

God damnit here I was trying to figure out what the hell they were on about...

Yeah, there was no train of thought between replies. Probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't kept it talking :P

I was like "ok this guy is either completely out of his mind or trolling, I'll just leave him be..."

Turns out it was bootleg ChatGPT tripping balls -_-
I'm not used to fake people...
what is even the point?

Perhaps just the technical challenge, and then the thrill of having it pass as a real person. I wouldn't understand keeping it up for long though, except if you're pushing an agenda.