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Joined 4 months ago

Gotta pad those CEO bonuses somehow!

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I'm not happy about it, but it makes sense.
They're trying to avoid polarizing issues so as to not alienate undecided voters. Either way a democratic presidency would be better for LGBTQ people than a MAGA presidency, so I'm not too upset about our issues being put on hold for a few days to achieve that. I imagine they'll become a little more vocal about them once they're actually in the White House, and if not we'll still be better off regardless.

Transgender people are a minority amongst minorities, catering to them while potentially alienating so many more voters is not a wise strategy. Reasonable trans voters will already vote for Harris because they know what's at stake.

I don't like it, but if it means keeping fascists out of the office, I can live with it.

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You can now review reviews

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You didn't need to post this.

I think what it boils down to is: if you could instantly become a woman, would you?

I'm in a situation similar to yours. Getting laser (the beard's already gone though >:3), long hair, trying to present more androgynous, but otherwise male presenting at the moment... regrettably...

I consider myself trans because I'm actively trying to rectify that and if I was given the opportunity to magically switch, I would without even thinking about it.

I would say expertiment a bit and see if something clicks in you. If it doesn't, that's fine too. You may be gender non-confirming, which by what you described would be perfectly reasonable.

Or it could be that you're just not ready yet. I myself had to remove a ton of mental barriers to accept this part of me, but when I did, it felt extremely liberating and obvious. But trust me, I struggled a lot getting there, thinking it couldn't possibly be the case.

So experiment, really think about it, and see where you land. If you're not sure yet, repeat. You'll eventually find your sweetspot, and it'll be fine, whichever it is.

Feel free to ask if you have questions.

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People dislike JS because it's packed full of moronic footguns and technical debt. The "standard library" is full of baffling decisions and, much like the language, rarely does what you expect. Even its creator agrees it's a terrible language and should have been replaced by now.

TypeScript is better, but at the end of the day it's just an illusion. Add an any anywhere, which will happen, and you're back to square one. It also still inherits some of the weirdness of JS, because it is just JS with fake types bolted on. Plus, the amount of work one has to do to create a proper library with TypeScript support completely undermines the few advantage of JavaScript. Might as well use a real statically typed language at that point, at least you'd be sure your types are actually enforced.

Also, the whole web ecosystem is ass. The hoops one has to jump through nowadays to do web development are absolutely batshit crazy. And no, having a create-whatever that sets things up for you is not a real solution.

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it's a different kind of cool

Yes, though in this case it's more like "go back in the closet so we don't get deported." I don't like it, but I'll forgive it if it's necessary. Maybe it isn't, but with so little wiggle room it's better not to take chances...

If only it was that simple... :(

Oh dear... that was an unfortunate oversight... blobcat, sweat

It definitely isn't in some circumstances.
Frankly I'd put C/C++ in a similar category when it comes to compilation.
Dealing with Make, CMake, linkage and all that can be a nightmare.
The ecosystem is a little bit better though in my opinion. If nothing else you get a proper standard library and don't have to rely on thousands of dependencies to get anything done... or you often roll your own if you are in C... which is meh.

I find Rust, C#, Go and anything slightly more modern to be a great or at least good experience.
Python as well if you use venv and your runtime and package versions align.

My point is, there is no perfect platform and ecosystem, but the web is generally regarded as one of the poorest.
I'm not saying someone can't enjoy working on web stuff, they most certainly can. But it is objectively overcomplicated.

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That would not be democratic. It would be the exact same thing the GOP wants to do. Left branded totalitarianism would still be totalitarianism.

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Lmao bruh, tell me you’ve never coded in a different language without saying you’ve never coded in a different language.

I've been a software developer for over 10 years, on both on the front end and the back end.
I've worked with jQuery, React, plain old DOM manipulation, god damn PHP. I'm not new to web development.

Outside of web technologies, I've worked on nautical charts processing software and microcontroller firmware in C, C++ and Rust.
I've worked on native GUI applications with C++, Java and C# using JavaFX, WPF, GTK, Qt.
All under strict corporate standards.
I also work on compilers and rendering engines in my spare time.

So no, I'm not a "junior programmer" making "basic junior programming mistakes". Your favourite language is ass.
You shouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion that someone has never written a line of code only because they say so.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings, but even senior developers, web or otherwise, say it. I'm not the one swimming against the current, you are.

And lmao, oh my god the web ecosystem is ass because a framework for producing robust complex applications isn’t just an html and CSS file?

Alright, let's do a little experiment, shall we? Let's try and create an empty electron app with React and TypeScript.
A quick create-electron-app and some configuring TS, ESLint and WebPack later we reach a whopping 3_087_725 lines of code. 3 million lines. ~700MB.
This all requires a linting step, a pre-compilation step though tsc, multiple additional translation steps through webpack for older ES versions.
All of that for an empty page on a webview.

This is batshit crazy. And I come from fucking CMake for crying out loud.
There is nothing robust about this, the slightest misstep and your sourcemaps are fucked.
Whoops the author of left-pad decided to pull it from npm - half the JS ecosystem on its knees.
Whoops the author of is-even one day decides it's a stupid package to need - half the JS ecosystem on its knees.

Web developers are standing on a crumbling, fermenting pile of shit. Get over it.
With that said, you can still enjoy JS and all the web stuff, there's nothing wrong with that...

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I'm doing my part!

Aside from some notable examples, I've had great luck with gaming on Linux. Wayland's still rough (thanks Nvidia) but it's not that big of an issue; general usage is fine and development is fantastic.

There is only one issue when it comes to games...
I have a VR setup...

Wikipedia is about to become a really weird place...

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Look, you either kill rats or kill people. I love animals, it's unfortunate we need to experiment on them, but it's also naive to think we can make progress without doing it. At best one could make an argument for death row inmates to be experimented on, but that would be quickly shut down as unethical and there wouldn't be enough anyway. There is no way around animal testing, we can only keep it to a minimum.

Those are not mutually exclusive. I'm so tired of this nihilistic view.
Community and activism can only go so far, and since human decency is not something you can rely on, if you want things to get better you need actual laws that will protect you. The only way to have those is to actually elect people who at least have a chance to do something about it. That holds true both at the state level and federal level.

So yeah, strengthen your community, but for crying out loud vote for the right people as well.

Ah that's fine. There's nothing wrong with abstraction, until it becomes too much.

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No I just don't get what any of that has to do with a joke about Wikipedia becoming weird because it's being run by a crazy anime girl from Konosuba, that's all...

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He's like an elementary schooler, the difference is instead of bragging about having a PlayStation 7 at home he's trying to overthrow democracy... :/

I get the mistake. Wouldn't even call it one tbh, just an oversight. But when someone points it out normally one doesn't reply with "don't force your political views onto me" as if non male devs was some weird "woke" concept. A simple "whoops, missed that" would have been perfectly fine and everyone would've moved on. With that said, having followed the whole debacle I can say it could have been handled better by both sides.

alright you're being dense on purpose... toodles!

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Those people's brain hasn't really evolved past the australopithecus stage, cut them some slack

...indeed they are...
...and in this case those are...?

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That's what people with skill issues tend to say.

Not that's what people who can recognize genuine architectural defects and aren't blind fanboys say.

You apparently still bitch and whine like a rookie.

Only to your eyes since apparently pointing out genuine problems is whining. It's okay for people not to like the stuff you like. And no, using a few swear words for emphasis doesn't make someone immature, nor does listing what one has worked with for context.

You learned how to write == in every other language, but you can't figure out === in typescript?

...you still haven't realised that === is not what I have a problem with have you? It's literally a non issue. In fact, equality in general is a non issue. It's the wonky standard library, lack of proper support for binary operations, serialization and almost everything being an afterthought that I have a problem with. Does it prevent me from using the language and write proper, stable software? No. But it's not good.

you install a whole web browser alongside operating system shims into your project

Except that amounts to a mere ~180_000 lines of the 3 million. Did a plain create-react-app without Electron, still over 3 million.

Now, since it's impossible to have a genuine conversation if the other party's response is "haha you suck" to any genuine, documented criticism, are you gonna grow up or are you gonna keep acting like an offended 13 year old who can't find a better retort?

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Look up intersex people and marvel at how loose the definition of being female is. People are born without a womb, mixed genitalia, any combination you can imagine. They're still considered women. If one can get to such a state, or further, they should too.

Look up the various studies performed on transgender patients showing how their brain is more aligned to that of females (or males, whichever way they swing), at a biological level.

Look up how hormonal imbalances during pregnancy can cause such discrepancies. It's not just a psychological thing, it's a biological phenomenon that does appear in nature.

Or don't. You're free to remain ignorant, just like you're free to say whatever you like, but don't act like the victim when you knowingly say something that's considered out of line and face consequences.

Facing consequences for your actions is nothing new, don't act like it is. Work places and public spaces have had rules of conduct since the dawn of time; what is considered acceptable has shifted as society evolved. You may not like it, but that's not going to change just because calling someone by their chosen name makes you uncomfortable. Would you consider being disallowed to call black people slurs totalitarianism?

You are free to say whatever you want, just like people and employers are free to not want to associate with you for the things you say.

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I mean, thank god for that. Google is essentially useless unless you stick "reddit" at the end. De-indicise Reddit and Google becomes essentially useless.

It's still bad though. The fact that there is a special case just for Google, and search engines have to pay to indicise Reddit is egregious. I miss the plain text web... :/

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You seem to confuse "people making mistakes" with "a language that is designed in such a way that those mistakes are not only common, but integral part of the experience."

I'm not saying I make such mistakes, I say the design is crap. It's not a skill issue, it's a design issue. People say null pointers were a mistake. I'm inclined to agree. Not because I get a null pointer exception every five minutes, but because there are better ways to handle cases like that.

You said I was a rookie, I proved you wrong.
You said there was nothing crazy about web application complexity, I provided you with a common, glaring example. There's nothing unhinged in saying "look I installed Electron and React and not my project has 3 million lines of crap I have to worry about".
Everything else was just emphasis for the sake of it.

But when you don't have a valid argument, you resort to personal attacks. Maybe it's you that should learn to be better.

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I can understand accounting for different environments. That's unfortunately unavoidable. But I found web framework developers in particular have a weird tendency of piling up ungodly amounts of abstractions just for the sake of it.

It's kind of a cultural problem in modern software development in general imo. It's not limited to web dev by any means, but it's particularly bad there because JS lends itself to it quite well.

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A fan of the USSR I see...
Totalitarianism is bad, period. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It would not be any better in the long run.

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It wasn't just to accomodate trans people but just... anyone who isn't male? Apparently women being software developers is a controversial concept for Andreas.

Terminals applications are, by definition, not smooth. You can't have smooth scrolling, or anything else really, with a text grid.

The problem was more the fact that the devs viewed using anything other than 'he' as political, not the presence of gendered language itself. The devs themselves made a big deal about changing it. The way I see it, it's not even about trans people. How about just women? Is including women in software developent considered political? One would hope not, but here we are...

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I'm not saying I hope they get cancer...
I just hope cancer gets them.

There's a distinct lack of FactoryFactoryFactoryBuilders in this code snippet.
Clearly you have yet to reach true abstraction nirvana.

At least it has something to complain about, unlike Karens.

I had to go back to working with React just recently. I'm technically using TS, but the standard library is the same anyways. It hardly has everything imo.
It does have what it needs to interface with the browser, and quite a few -sometimes poorly thought out- facilities, but not much more.

Don't get me wrong, for a web scripting language it's plenty, but if one wants to use JS for stuff that isn't just putting a simple page on a screen, that's not enough.

Maybe you mean Node instead of JS?

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Heya! Nice to hear from you again :3
I think you're confusing me with @Mia. My handle is @shy_mia.
spiderman pointing meme