SlashData: Rust sees fastest growth, JavaScript still dominates to – 113 points –
SlashData: Rust sees fastest growth, JavaScript still dominates

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I can understand accounting for different environments. That's unfortunately unavoidable. But I found web framework developers in particular have a weird tendency of piling up ungodly amounts of abstractions just for the sake of it.

It's kind of a cultural problem in modern software development in general imo. It's not limited to web dev by any means, but it's particularly bad there because JS lends itself to it quite well.

I ❤️ abstraction. I'm an abstractionpilled layercel. I'm in my abstracting era.

Ah that's fine. There's nothing wrong with abstraction, until it becomes too much.

Day 43. My tech stack has breached the clouds. I can no longer see the ground. I fear that I will not be able to return to the surface.

You will not, indeed, it's going to be abstractions all the way down from now on


There's a distinct lack of FactoryFactoryFactoryBuilders in this code snippet.
Clearly you have yet to reach true abstraction nirvana.