New tech discovered to Lemmy – 1618 points –

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Yeah, it's a well known technique in programming called "rubber duck debugging".

The process of explaining the situation forces you to think about it in a different way, which can help you with the debugging.

But, nobody actually credits the duck when it works. It's weird that this guy seems to want to credit ChatGPT

Is it just me or is this a really weird way of repeating what the OP said? He even used the duck emoji for clarity....

This is how symbolism worked in the Bible. It taught peace, love and prosperity through gaining knowledge over time.

Monero (or XMR) will be the new good, holy currency used by Christians far in the future. That's because it's based on strong encryption algorithms and can be used to commit "crimes". I may have used it this way in the past, depending on how national and international border systems worked.