Aspartame is safe in limited amounts, say experts after cancer warning to World – 233 points –
Aspartame is safe in limited amounts, say experts after cancer warning

So maybe the huge worry people had after the news that WHO would classify it as cancerous was a little too much. I think the media could have reported on it in a bit more responsible way.


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Even the tide pod thing was over blown. No one was actually eating them, it was just a meme.

I mean, unless this article is a fabrication, I think that's enough deaths for concern.

Not suggesting in any way that it was the fault of the mfr, but to me that's plenty to justify folks wanting something done to curb it.

And I curse those folks every single time I have to smash through the lid of my Persil laundry discs with brute strength because the lids are actually people-proof. 🙂

My web browser is calling that article unsafe.

Probably because it contains MSG

Some people literally were tho.

A few, yeah. Most people using the meme were joking about it. The media saw a few memes, wrote some clickbait articles, and boomers who don't understand memes freaked out.

I agree, but the "Tide pods are bad don't eat them" is true... (Though almost all media hysteria is over blown, it's a constant.)