'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 467 points –
'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping

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It would be weird if he changed course this late in the game.

I don't know how he could even change course without digging a deeper hole. There's no way he can possibly convince people that he's not an overtly racist nincompoop without saying something overtly racist and coming off sounding like a nincompoop. We've seen him try and try again

Problem isn’t convincing people that he’s racist. The problem is convincing people that it matters.

Everything about why people trump is “despite X or Y” thing or they at least say so because they know it’s socially punished to say “I’m super down with being a bigot.”

Problem isn’t convincing people that he’s racist. The problem is convincing people that it matters.

I'd argue that a more pressing concern is convincing people that it isn't a good thing, not that it matters

I get the difference but I hope you know that was also implied lol

I think they're two different kinds of people though. Some seem to think that racism isn't a problem anymore and it literally doesn't matter, and some think that racism was never a problem in the first place and is actually something we should strive for (because something something superior race something)

Repubs fully embracing Donald's overt bigotry is what finally clued me in to the fact that they are all hateful. They love it. They want him to enrage their opponents.