Aspartame is safe in limited amounts, say experts after cancer warning to World – 233 points –
Aspartame is safe in limited amounts, say experts after cancer warning

So maybe the huge worry people had after the news that WHO would classify it as cancerous was a little too much. I think the media could have reported on it in a bit more responsible way.


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Supersize Me: "Wow, if I eat garbage at a 3000+ calorie rate a day, I'm gonna feel like shit! Please give me awards and adoration and play me in every high school health class!"

Don't forget TV shows, more documentaries and more.

Morgan Spurlock did VERY well for himself based on that completely bias "Study". Sadly that became the style of documentary for a while (and potentially still is). Fuck the facts, let's make entertainment!

Everyone knew McDicks is bad for you. It was an entertaining doc. That's why people loved it. Also, most Americans are 100% ignorant to nutrition. Count your blessings it's a no brainer for you.