People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch? to – 200 points –

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Strongbad email maybe from a female.

That was the "sisters" sbemail, where Strong Bad gets a message from Ali asking if he has a girlfriend, and that there's two of them, implying she has a sister. Strong Bad talks in a romantic voice, and ends up accidentally deleting Ali's message.

I couldn't remember what one that was, thank you. I knew it wasn't kids book bit thats one of the things I still say all the time

Deleted!? WHAT? Wait, what happened!? No, undeleted! UNDELETED! I didn't mean to do that! Aw, maaaaaan!

COME BACK, ALI..! Come back Ali's sister..!