12 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Guess my favorites..!


"What is this? Did the quadratic formula explode? I see a 'Strong ba' in there, but it's getting eaten, by some... Linux or something."


"No way. You're just a kid! Maybe when you're older..."

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To me, nothing will EVER top the magic of Smokey and the Bandit.

Literally one of Hal Needham's and Burt Reynolds's greatest works to date. The plot is very simple: The Bandit accepts a challenge set by Big and Little Enos, which is to travel down to Texarkana, TX to illegally bootleg 400 cases of Coors, and deliver them back to Atlanta, GA, all within a 28 hour time limit. This film's plot actually makes a lot of sense when you think about US laws of the time. Bootlegging laws were much more stricter back then, especially in Texas. Taking beer east of Texas was considered as bootlegging, and it would have severe consequences for anyone who was caught doing it. So, this film's plot is actually based off of the real US laws of the late 70s. It only adds to the authenticity. Laws since then have gotten much more leniant, but they are still made to keep people in check from time to time. It's almost interesting to see the changes from the late 70s to now. It was like a completely different world entirely, and that authenticity only made the film more special, since we got to see the relics of a by-gone era of the United States. I mean, just look at the set comparisons on YouTube. It's like it became a whole different world overnight.

Then, you also have the AMAZING and WONDERFUL country soundtrack composed by the one and only Jerry Reed. He actually stated himself that the film, originally, did not have a music score when he was pulled in as the composer, and the film was nearly ready to be released. So, within a short time span, Jerry Reed composed an entire film soundtrack in such a short timespan, and gave us one of the most legendary pieces of country music in the form of "Eastbound and Down". But that's not it. Jerry would also make "Westbound and Down" as well, which would prove to be quintessential to the film's plot. You see, in the film, when they are heading down to Texas to get the beer, they are going westbound, and you hear "Westbound and Down" playing as a result. This is during the very beginning of the journey. And when they are on the freeway passing by a truck convoy, they are heading back to Georgia, which means they're going eastbound, and that's why you hear "Eastbound and Down", which plays MUCH later into the journey. It shows which direction they are traveling across the US at that time; "Eastbound and Down" playing signals they are nearing the end of their journey, and "Westbound and Down" means the journey has just begun. All in all, that is some truly EXCELLENT soundtrack continuity. It really goes to show how much of a blast they were having making this. He did a wonderful job composing the soundtrack.

But, of course, the star of the movie, is of COURSE Jackie Gleason, who plays as Sheriff Buford T. Justice. Oh man, he was SO FUNNY in this film. In fact, most of his dialogue was completely improvised and wasn't even actually in the script. The things he said during the movie? That was all him doing that on the fly, off the top of his head. His improv in this film was truly off the charts. He made that movie very special. In fact, you know that entire scene where Buford T. Justice and The Bandit run into a restaurant and have a nice, friendly chat, all the while Buford doesn't even realize he's talking to the very person he is after? Guess what? That was Jackie's idea. That entire scene wasn't even supposed to be in the movie. He came up with the idea himself, and as such, it was added to the film on Jackie's request and he made that scene entirely his own. Well, lemme tell ya, that scene became one of the most important scenes of the film, and quite frankly, one of the funniest as well. If it weren't for Jackie Gleason with his incredible improv, this film would have just been a mediocre 'modern-day Western'. But, Jackie's funny dialogue made the movie, he quite literally stole the show. His incredible talent in this film will never be matched. Ever. His improv was literally incredible. God, I miss him and his energy...

This is an absolute must-watch for any car/truck lover. You will absolutely love this film and have a good laugh!

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Concord is definitely DOA (Dead on Arrival)

I don't blame the devs for making the game, I blame the suits for not letting anything more interesting come out of the studio

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I'm just gonna leave this here with no further content...

"Sony Releases Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work"

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Scan Complete!


Viruses Found

A New Record!!

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For me, easily Spec Ops: The Line.

That game took an incredibly dark turn during the White Phosphorus scene. You know those top-down camera views in Call of Duty where you shoot enemies from the sky? This game does that, too. And then, boom, you find out that you just burned a refugee camp to the ground with phosphorus bombs. And this game actually forces you to walk through the travesty you just caused, and see all of the flaiming remains of soldiers screaming for help and buildings and cars burning and on fire. But, the most haunting part of that scene is the burning carcass of a woman holding her child as the white phosphorus breaches through the gate.

That image has been burned into my brain. 10/10 will not be playing again anytime soon

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My pick is Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss will forever be one of cinema's greatest opening themes. And combined with the opening credits of the movie with the sun rising slowly over the Earth was absolutely groundbreaking and legendary. It is truly one of the greatest opening credits sequences of all time.

For me personally, it's the Season 8 episode "Space Mutiny", which was also the first MST3K episode that I ever watched.

That bit with Mike bonking his head on one of the many railings Servo placed in the Satellite of Love and tumbling all the way down it while yelling before splashing into water sent me into an absolute laughing fit. I laughed for a good 10 minutes at that, I kept replaying that scene. It was pure comedic gold.

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If there is one game out there that I think deserves a second chance, it is definitely Alpha Protocol. This game came out in 2010 and was created by Obsidian Entertainment, the makers behind Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. This was the first-of-its-kind 'espionage RPG' with a truly, wholly unique dialogue system that has truly never been replicated since. Unlike mainstream RPGs of the time, you pick from several different 'tones' to speak in, in which gives the game hundreds of outcomes and dozens of endings. For example, according to Raycevick in a recent video, love interest can snipe you after a boss fight, poorly-treated damzels can attack you in the dead of night, contracts you're hired to kill can be baited into their demise through dialogue, and a whole host of other things.

The problem is that Alpha Protocol was lambasted by critics due to its incredibly buggy launch state and unpolished graphics. It never met the sales requirements that SEGA was expecting from it, and so, a few years ago, the game was pulled from all storefronts, never to be played again - until now. That's right. Thanks to the legends over at GOG for their incredible work, Alpha Protocol is back on sale, complete with achievements, localization, modern compatibility, and cloud saves. All without any form of DRM. But, the bugs in the game are still present to this day even in the GOG version, and so you might end up finding some humorous bugs and glitches.

Source: Making a Game Last Forever


Computer over.

Virus = Very Yes.

"Computer over"? "Virus = very yes"!? That's not a good prize!

Dude, sbemail #118 - virus is pure meta brilliance.

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Yes, it came out on the 29th of August on Steam and Epic. It will release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S this Fall.

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That's not a good prize!

And the Compy... just peed my carpet.

"We had that lightswitch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off. Not so you can throw lightswitch raves!

Now let's go break open that glowstick and pour it into Homestar Runner's Mountain Dew."

And yes, I can confirm that Squirrel with a Gun is fun. I've been having an absolute BLAST (pun intended) with the game.

It's absolutely nuts! (pun intended, again)

Yep! I have Big Bumpin' in my collection, got it for free after I was specifically requesting a retro game shop owner if he had any of the three Burger King games in stock. He was actually surprised that someone was actually looking for these games, and he opened a drawer, and handed me a copy of Big Bumpin'. Dude threw it in as a bonus game and only made us pay for Watch Dogs: Legion. He was the nicest and coolest retro shop owner I have ever met. A few months before he gave me that for free, he gave my sister some free PlayStation headphones and stated that he wasn't sure if they were working or not. And guess what? It worked. Flawlessly.

Dude is still around, still kicking ass at that retro game store even to this day.

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The system specs tho LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣

System Specifications:

  • Makes the most irritating beeping noise you've ever heard in your goddamn life
  • Fucks up everything else you hook it up to
  • 'Scans for receivers', whatever the fuck that means
  • Flashes random fucking words and numbers on the display screen

The system! Is down! The system! Is down! The system! Is down!

Only $1!? Okay, yeah, I am definitely picking this up later on. I love weird and wacky games and your friend made something very, very special to the point it was played by big YouTubers such as PewDiePie. Tell your friend I said hi, too! :D

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Oh my God I actually played that!!! A weird kid-friendly version of DOOM that actually was pretty damn solid and had an actual interesting story for a kids game. It wasn't like Pepsiman, where the entire game was littered with Pepsi advertisements, it was an advergame that had an actual story about aliens threatening Chex and Earth. Thank you for reminding me of this. =)

That was the "sisters" sbemail!

"Well, Ali. There's ONE of me. A-deleted..."


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Now, this one may surprise you, but I recently bought Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League as a joke. And no, I did not pay $70 for the game. In fact, I bought it for a far more cheaper price on CDKeys since they were having a huge sale for North American/European game keys. Was on sale for roughly $16, a huge steal in my eyes. Like bro, $70 USD for this game? Yeah, no, I'm not paying that much if this game is in this state. Capped it only because I wanted to get it to laugh at it. I originally was planning to get it through the free Prime Gaming offer, but through past complications with Amazon charging us even after repeatedly cancelling our Prime subscription, I went against getting a free trial for Amazon Prime and we just ended up buying a digital Steam key.

I have been loving the game, in a very ironic way. I'm serious. I only bought the game to see how bad it truly was and to laugh at the game's bad design choices (mostly the lackluster story). I just wanted the game for shits and giggles, nothing serious. I only like the game because of how goddamn bad it is. Literally wanted to laugh out loud while I was playing through the first 2 hours. It's so bad, but hilariously bad. The story doesn't make sence, either - why was the Suicide Squad recruited by a literal FBI agent? I get that it's about the Justice League becoming evil and all, but it still doesn't make any sense to me.

Needless to say, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a guilty pleasure of mine. Because I like laughing at it.

EXTRA NOTE: In short, save your money until there's a huge sale or another free offer. God save Rocksteady.

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Man, "japanese cartoon" really was the birth of a legend. Can't forget the fond memories of playing that Stinkoman video game!

For behold, the 386! A spectacle of graphics and sound!


version 1.5 - fps game where you play as a pear shaped phone with a pear logo, no comment

I was wondering if that was based off of the fictional phone in iCarly, and I was correct. Also, it is allegedly malware/a Bitcoin miner according to some Steam reviews, but this is unverifiable.

Yeah, I agree. It is extremely disappointing to know that this was Kevin Conroy's farewell. His swan song. The man deserved to have a much better end to his career. Heck, even Orson Welles had a much better one when Netflix dropped his unreleased movie "The Other Side of the Wind". Kevin Conroy deserved to go out with a bang. Not a mere whimper.

The game's concept was good but the execution of it was terrible in so many departments.

It's another one of those "great concept with bad execution" examples.

I got a game where you play as a piece of bread. I think it was called Toast?

Wait, was it "I Am Bread"?

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To me, Takedown SLIGHTLY takes the throne due to how innovative it was for the series. It was the first game in the series to include a mechanic to wreck your opponents to get boost back, called "Takedown" (hence 'Takedown' in the title).

The studio is not at fault for making Concord, they were forced into making it by the executives and suits and didn't let the studio make anything more interesting. We have already got, like, a thousand Overwatch-like games as it is, we do not need more of them. And oh boy, Concord has been absolutely bleeding players as a result of Sony's poor choices and decisions. They have already killed this game off before it could even get up off of the ground. They forced the studio to make yet another uninspired Overwatch clone, and the game is getting barely any players as a result. It's not the studio's fault, it's entirely the fault of the executives.

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Well, that's a heck of a title... 😳

Space Mutiny is easily the best “introduction” episode to the show for newcomers and it remains a classic that shows what MST3K is all about.

I totally agree! The best introduction for first-time watchers of MST3K. It really is the best of MST3K's riffing from Season 8, and in my opinion, let alone the whole series. I am glad I picked Space Mutiny as my first episode. I got a great introduction to the series, and I have been a MSTie ever since. If you haven't seen Mystery Science Theater 3000 yet, start with Space Mutiny.

You will love it.

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I got some of my own personal favorites!

1: Wildcat getting denied a second oven mitt by every single holiday and person

2: The classic Banana Bus song

3: The entire "Wildcat Cooking Show" segment where they prepare a lobster dish with stuff like a family photo and "chocolate" (poop)

4: The "Hoo-dini" joke in the Split Sides West Comedy Club

5: Everyone asking for tickets to Pluto Nash in 3D

6: The New HP 6000 Thing computer that is literally just a microwave

7: The opening to Vanoss's Moonbase Alpha video - A trailer for a fake movie called "The White Side of the Moon"

8: Delirious's "butt plug" on the back of his car

9: The opening to Vanoss's "Matrix" video - A series of bloopers relating to the elevator scene in the movie

10: The brand-new detatated Wamboghini

11: The "movie set" with 587 bombs

Calum Scott easily. That one song that kept playing during every commercial break drove me to madness. It's that "You Are The Reason" song that Kay Jewellers used for one of their commercials, and my God it was the most overplayed shit in the universe while it was still airing and made me despise that song. I hated the sappiness and I hated the stupid-ass high pitch he would constantly sing in throughout the whole song. It's the one and only Calum Scott song I listened to. Kay Jewellers always picked the worst and most ear-piecing sappy songs for their commercials. I have never listened to another one of his songs, and I don't plan on ever doing it. Song is nothing but him sounding like a pussy who cries and whines around woman trying to get them to like him. And keep in mind, this was on every day, on every commercial break. I could never go even ONE DAY without hearing that effing song on my Roku. I was, at one point, seriously contemplating ripping my ears out if I ever heard it on my TV again.

Hearing that song practically every single day on every goddamn commercial break made me unbelievably angry. Thank God Kay have stopped playing the commercial with that song included, it drove me absolutely insane every time I heard it on a commercial break. I got sick and tired of hearing it very quickly. Sometimes, it would get so overplayed in one day that I wished I was deaf on numerous occasions. That song has just turned me away from the artist entirely as I bet all of his songs are cringeworthy, sappy songs with him singing in an ear-splitting high pitch. "You Are The Reason" is a full-blown assault on the ears.

Never listening to another one of his songs again after that. One of his songs was bad enough.

And here's the commercial if you are wondering:

That was also me... ;)

Deleted!? WHAT? Wait, what happened!? No, undeleted! UNDELETED! I didn't mean to do that! Aw, maaaaaan!

COME BACK, ALI..! Come back Ali's sister..!

Ah, yes, the infamous Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360 game (Sonic '06). Weirdest fricking Sonic game in existence. And not weird as in bad, but weird in general. Why was Sonic having sensual moments with a human princess? Why are we running around aimlessly in a city? Why are the controls so bad? All of these weird design choices just makes it... interesting, to say the least.

I'd pick it up just for shits and giggles.

“There’s a rainbow in my pocket and I think it’s starting to melt”

SBEmail #111 - Other Days.

He should be proud of himself. =)

I vibe with you. I frickin' LOVE Goat Simulator! Just a hell of a fun game where you can cause as much chaos as you please as a goat. I have played the original and every one of its DLC packs, and I pre-ordered Goat Simulator 3 as well, and I am gonna be picking up the Multiverse of Nonsense DLC at a later point. An all-time favorite game series of mine.

Currently waiting for the Re-Maa-ster of Goat Simulator 2... (ba dum tsss) 😂😂😂

Strongbad email maybe from a female.

That was the "sisters" sbemail, where Strong Bad gets a message from Ali asking if he has a girlfriend, and that there's two of them, implying she has a sister. Strong Bad talks in a romantic voice, and ends up accidentally deleting Ali's message.

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