
return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 985 points –

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You can do that with bagged potatoes too. It's called OPEN THE BAG, GRAB A POTATO, AND PUT IT ON A PLATE IN THE MICROWAVE. Lol.

(Obviously wash it first.)

Look at Mr Big shot over here guys, buying bags of taters. Cash money bidness

Lol, that's Ms Big Shot to you, friend. xP

(Also, for the record, in case you were serious, most potatoes tend to be sold in sacks or netted bags, so it's the individually wrapped potatoes that are the odd ones out...)

I pick each potato like no one is watching and it may be my last then gently place it in a little thin non recyclable bag where it travels to a small dark cardboard box known as the house of the rising tater