Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji (blog post) to – 707 points –

35 crypto companies got together to make a change dot org petition called "Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji".

F that


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Why in the world would you have "emojis" as part of Unicode anyway?

We already have a way to have endless "emojis" without administrative stupidity, it's called JPEG.

If you need to show text as that, we've had smileys since 90s.

Would you rather send an entire JPEG over text message for an emoji? Or just 4 bytes of unicode right inline where you want it? Unicode having a standard set of emoji is actually incredibly useful and reduces complexity. I guess it would disincentivize 👏 emoji 👏 spam 👏 to use JPEGs tho.

I'd send :-} and :-\ and =P and D= instead of an emoji. As the founding fathers intended.

There's even more use cases that come up, like being able to use emoji and other fancy symbols anywhere unicode is supported. So you can even program with them. People have taken that idea to the extreme just for fun:

Other special symbols are a different thing. For APL language or others.

They are useful, provided you have them on your keyboard or you have configurable extra keys.

Symbols specifically for emoji - I mean, people can do what they want with code space, even if I'd rather see another obscure alphabet standardized there. Medieval Armenian or Russian musical notation, for example. Something real .

How aren't emoji "real"?

This just comes across as "old man yells at cloud" to me tbh.

Hmm, why do we need a corporation to be arbitter of the written language anyway ? If they want to use it, they should just use it.If they can't because of some central authority then Unicode is is to be abolished and replace with a system where you can usev wherever squiggle that you want and nobody gets a second opinion. You just do it.