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I just repeat my 'yes' and grunts and 'I see' in triples. Aha, aha, aha, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, ok, ok, ok, click there, click there, click there, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, NO-NO-NO HIGHER yes-yes-yes, okay sigh.

It's fascinating how the absolute majority of people is trying to solve both social and technical problems at the same time via only social or only technical means. Again and again.

You need both.

Fediverse works right for moderation, but technically communities and users are part of an instance, and an instance is a physical thing that may go down. Just like most of our Web has vanished. And also, of course, it uses Web technologies.

Further my idea as to what should be done about this (one approach is Nostr, unloved here because of people who use it ; I also think it's too primitive):

The storage must be full p2p. Like Freenet, but probably optimized so that people would only store what they themselves need, and give some space to others in the communities they participate in. Not to all the network, like Freenet, but only to whom they want.

The identities should be "federated", as in communities allowing moderation. Moderation should be done via signed "delete" records, and users would then not replicate "deleted" information.

This way even when "an instance goes down" (say, instance admin has lost their private key or something like that), its stuff will still be replicated.

One can even make "an instance" inherit another instance (again, instance admin has lost their private key or, say, someone has stolen it), so that its users would replicate that.

One can imagine many mechanisms on top of that. But what's described would allow libraries and allows a thing similar to DNS (again, like a community, to which you subscribe for naming service that associates names with entities) and a thing similar to a static website, and something like Usenet with user identities, moderation and communities.

Dynamic websites are possible too - but I'm not really knowledgeable about smart contracts and such required for it.

I'm actually describing something in the middle of a few things far smarter people are already doing.

This would allow agility between social and technical solutions.

No. It's those who are gaslighting us to think this way.

Same as the early Soviet years of gaslighting how every revolution has the initial violent period and you have to be strict with the enemies of it. Or similar Soviet gaslighting of the 50s, where everything is to blame - the restoration after the war, the capitalist world, and what not, - for all problems. Or the 60s, where they were expected to wait 20 years more to the utter victory and passenger starships between Earth and Mars. Or the 70s, where the Soviet propaganda pretended that USSR is just a normal country, not a totalitarian one. Or the 80s, where nobody believed anything except democracy which was one thing present in speeches and not in reality, so they believed that USSR only has to become really democratic to suddenly turn into USA, cheap edition.

It (the Web) is corrupt, oligopolized and unsanitary, because nation-states saw its potential for propaganda and control, crooks saw its potential for scams big enough to bend laws for them, and stupid people saw its potential to confirm their stupid opinions.

Oh. I have relatives in the USA. Jewish and the older generation is sadly non-critical. Last family call ended where my uncle (strictly speaking, my mom's uncle, son of my grandma's older sister) dropped a phrase of "having to vote for someone who'll support Israel" in such a worried tone, that I fscking couldn't hold it. I mean, if my grandma wouldn't try to shut me up with her Israel worship bullshit (she has always been, ahem, simple-minded and loud, and now she's also of the age where people do not preserve a lot), could have gone better.

Malware and porn banners are going to make this a feature always turned off.

It remained in the OS business to the extent that is required for the malware business.

Also NT is not a bad OS (except for being closed, proprietary and probably messy by now). The Windows subsystem over it would suck just as bad if it would run on something Unix.

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They have a few legacy things working in their favor. Hardware compatibility is one, but seems to be a thing of the past now when people don't care. Application compatibility is another, and that is with Windows, not with NT.

And they don't have to change the core parts, because NT is fine. Windows is not, it's a heap of legacy, but it's not realistically replaceable.

Unless they develop from scratch a new subsystem, like Embrasures or Walls or Bars, and gradually deprecate Windows. Doesn't seem very realistic too, but if they still were a software company and not a malware company, they'd probably start doing this sometime about now.

OK, that's fair. I just don't want to further imagine JD Vance helping Trump bathe.

Well, was spyware-ridden Kazaa malware?

I mean, I agree.

Ableism is when you exclude disorders which don't have to be excluded, that is, which don't negatively affect one's capabilities in some particular role.

Disallowing blind people to drive cars is not ableism, unless there is a solid technology to convey to them all the necessary information with good enough latency.

So - for roles of judges and other responsibilities to make principled decisions, autistic people are generally better than "normal" people. Because they choose in favor of principle in "conflict of interest" situations usually, which is also why there are no autistic people in politics.

For roles requiring unbiased thinking, autistic people and people with ADHD are generally better than "normal" people. Due to former's alienation from society (which is the most notable source of bias) and latter's ability to grasp wider contexts.

For roles where pessimism is required, most people with disorders causing alienation are better than "normal" people, other things being equal. Simply because seeing the society break from its blind zones is a useful experience.

But that doesn't mean not allowing an autistic person to command a fire squad is ableism.

Or that an ADHD person probably being a very bad bookkeeper is an ableist thought.

While assuming that someone is unfit to fulfill a social\decision-making role because they physically stink is ableist. He can have one of plenty non-mental conditions causing that. It's simply impractical to take showers every hour.

While saying that him being a narcissist kinda disqualifies him is not ableist. And he definitely is a narcissist with dementia.

It's just that both Obama and Harris and Biden behave very similarly to real people with ASPD whom I've met. See, ASPD is such a funny thing that people having it don't behave weirdly. They actually are very sane and glossy in appearances, or at least normal. Except for morals and empathy.

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You might think whatever you want, but you are using the word "prove" wrong.

And no, despite you saying various shit, nothing I said is ableist and all I said is true. That's because it was chosen to be as general as fucking possible. Exactly because of spectrums and continuums and such.

"Normal" here is used to insult NT people and not ND people, because of the former often being arrogant shits like the guy I was answering initially about disorders disqualifying people.

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because any successful mechanism will need to be actually useful to advertisers


It's, by the way, one thing every child should be taught to say, and traditionally an important part of one's upbringing, and one strongly eroded in the last 20 years.

Simultaneously to that various people with strength are putting before us sets of false choices all leading to the same result, and we pick "the lesser evil" only to avoid saying "no".

We don't owe advertisers shit. They can go fuck themselves with a dry aspen stick. We don't owe Facebook shit. They can go swim in sewers. We don't owe Mozilla shit. They can go milk bulls.

Just no and nothing in exchange for something we don't owe them.

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Airlines relying on Windows.

Sometimes I do feel afraid.

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Let's all apologize to Stallman.

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I've had people clueless about tech tell me that:

using Linux and not buying Windows I rob MS's developers,

not doing things the way big corporations want I deprive them of profits and thus rob their workers,

using your own device the way you want it is a crime if you have to bypass what the vendor does,

GPL and BSD licenses are not real sovereign citizen stuff, and if I'm not paying someone for software, I'm robbing the working class,

repairing things yourself in your house is robbing people working in those trades,

reading things in the Web is robbing university professors and book store workers and publishers,

having to learn a particular technology while doing my task at work means I'm a fraud and rob my employer or our clients, because apparently I have to keep all the today's tech in my head before needing any of it,

if I don't know some single thing another person knows, they are obviously better qualified than me (say, that other person can write Windows device drivers, while the job is about systems integration),


and I don't remember more stupid shit from those people and I don't want to, but generally being not a dumb ape in today's world is considered suspicious apparently.

After that wonderful experience I might be silent about my views with people usually, but really I'll never stop being anarchist (whatever kind of anarchism that is).

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But this is intentional. TG's ToS forbids alternative clients with their own E2EE.

Also he's the VK founder, which kills any idea of "trustworthy" immediately.

It's part of TG's business model, I think, something in the price list for governments. And the way they treat alternative clients in reality also hints that maybe backdoors are as well. Say, a new message format of the day (they add them really often) arrives in a new official Telegram version, somehow it's nowhere to be seen in the channels and groupchats you're in, but some day a DM arrives with harmless text and some code runs on your client machine.

I use Telegram, but trusting it would be asinine. Even trustworthy services can be abused, and TG doesn't even pretend to be that.

I think he got arrested because happening to be in Baku for a couple weeks and then still be there at the same time with Putin-Aliyev meeting, and their agreements apparently having intersections with Durov's activity, is openly weird.

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It's a justification, they know full well it's not some future revolution.

But it's a very good device to hijack discourse and funds.

It seems obvious that people who get to the top are smart, just not in the good way. They know the potential of various technologies. If they don't understand the subjects themselves, they have hundreds of experts willing to lecture them. Even if they pretend to not have understood a word, in fact they do gain knowledge.

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Its actually amazing how much of a cluster fuck the start of ww2 was. Bringing back horses after inventing the tank 20 years before and using it ti win ww1 levels of intelligence.

This is asinine. Horses were extremely useful in WWII. Try watching less Hollywood movies.

One of the reasons Germans were so successful in their "lightning warfare" - they used horses which simplified logistics tremendously. A truck is no good if you don't have fuel, and fuel supplies have been cut. A horse can just eat grass and drink water.

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There's no corporate death penalty, but there is corporate death from alcoholism, coke overdose and syphilis.

I mean, you do a TRAFU and instead of firing those logically responsible for it you fire your actual troops.

This basically means they failed to find scapegoats inside the company who wouldn't be management themselves.


Because this has all happened before

Humans generally don't consider this.

Specifically East Asian managers, I suppose, think they are the ones who'll finally do it right and make the serfs grow rice by the schedule and without complaints, and those previous attempts were done by some failures and discards who don't know how to hammer down nails that go up and so on.

(Not racist, just joking)

"Only we can do that".

Leverage for negotiations.

Their gains would be much less for the same expense, were they in areas where Russia expects to be attacked.

It's the same pattern with bullies - they are always surprised when the victim is no longer forbidden to hit everywhere and not only where the bully took initiative.

Worked in Artsakh in 90's too against Soviet and Azeri forces. Sadly the last few years (or two decades) have undone this largely.

But just like in Artsakh, they shouldn't agree to any frozen status, or it will end just like for Artsakh. They should just keep advancing until Russia does something to guarantee their security.

It's as if they intentionally were making their products unusable for ADHD and especially AuDHD people.

I wonder sometimes, maybe they are. Maybe there's some policy coming from some macchiavellian cokehead in a suit, that people like us spoil their big, important social mechanisms and introduce a measure of chaos they don't want, so we have to be suppressed.

I just don't understand why Windows is such an ADHD torture today. Even XP wasn't.

It really seems sometimes as if they were going out of their way to make it such, not only MS, but also Google, Apple and who not.

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But in their case it wasn’t just that the Germans didn’t like it. It was illegal.

I want to learn more?...

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A dog that barks doesn't bite.

"Considering" means they want to get something from Google in exchange for not breaking it up.

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Oh, somebody already wrote that.

We don't know it he's a pedophile (strictly speaking that's not a crime), but he surely is a child rapist which is the problem.

People believe that based on it being legally impossible for such companies to exist in Russia without working with FSB, it's not a secret.

EDIT: Not even talking about the educational institution he graduated from, which was called high school of KGB when he did that.

We need to split them, kill them, do whatever it takes to scatter the power they've accumulated.

They , as in people holding that power, want to nationalize them, because it simplifies the system they have already built for themselves.

Both Harris' program and such articles are all in the same direction. "Corps are fine, they just should be state-controlled and their services affordable".

No. People who want this are power-hungry fools, and despite their feeling of victory factually achieved and only waiting to be formalized, they will get fucked and this will fail.

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Why in the world would you want to create a new iteration of the same shit?

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What I dislike in hype trains is people who don't know fundamentals, but sincerely believe their hype is some game-changing invention, while I'm narrow-minded and plain stupid.

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And Walmart trying to control worker’s private lifes by forbidding sexual relationships between workers.

Just why would they do that? And were that their concern, wouldn't such people work better, not worse?

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Such a plot device has been used in every sci-fi universe I've been interested in. It's not even funny.

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Also called a Ponzi scheme, where every participant knows it's a scam, but hopes to find some more fools before it crashes and leave with positive balance.

And that's why I'm against ALL such things.

Not because they can't be done right and you can't teach people to use them.

But because there's a slippery slope of human nature where people want to offload the burden of decision to a machine, an oracle, a die, a set of bird intestines. The genie is out and they will do that again and again, but in a professional organization, like police, one can make a decision of creating fewer opportunities for such catastrophes.

The rule is that people shouldn't use machines above their brains, as one other commenter says, and they should only use this in a logical OR with their own judgment made earlier, as another commenter says, but the problem is in human nature and I'd rather not introduce this particular point of failure to police, politics, anything juridical and military.

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Judges are not supposed to work for the majority. They are supposed to work for justice.

Justice in most cases means opposing political power (formal in this case).

Thus they should be selected in some way radically different from how political power is formed.

Sortition is one way, if you don't want some entrenched faction reproducing itself. Would be better than US too. But still sortition from the pool of qualified people, that is, judges, and not just every random bloke who applies, of course.

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Just outlaw things that don't work without internet connectivity. Activation included.

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It's the pinnacle of MBA evolution.

In their worldview engineers are a material, and all that matters in the world is knowing how to do business. So it just makes sense that one can guide and use and direct engineers to replace themselves.

They don't think of fundamentals, they really believe it's some magic that happens all by itself, you just have to direct energy and something will come out of it.

Lysenko vibes.

This wouldn't happen were not the C-suite mostly comprised of bean counters. They really think they are to engineers what officers are to soldiers. The issue is - an officer must perfectly know everything a soldier knows and their own specialty, and also bears responsibility. Bean counters in general less education, experience and intelligence than engineers they direct, and also avoid responsibility all the time.

So, putting themselves as some superior caste, they really think they can "direct progress" to replace everyone else the way factories with machines replaced artisans.

It's literally a whole layer of people who know how to get power, but not how to create it, and imagine weird magical stuff about things they don't know.

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My theory is that practical effects takes a monumental amount of knowledge and skill and as those people got more and more expensive it was cheaper for the vultures to just hire college grad artists and grind them into the ground than pay the union salaries.

I think it takes the same amount of knowledge to do well.

But cheap CGI looks better than cheap practical effects. Or it can be made cheaper. Maybe both.

Anyway, even Empire Strikes Back involved using computers for some work. Yep, late 70s' computers.

It's not one or another with these.

I think the reason for the drop in quality is moviemaking becoming corporate. Not "owned by corporations" kind of corporate (obviously that too), but "no way to get in without acquaintances or patrons inside" corporate, nepotism.

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Houthis are Shia and their friends are Iran and Hezbollah. Russia is an unreliable transactional partner of their friends, and also Russia is doing a lot of licking up to Turks and Sunni terrorists.

So - they know the situation very well.

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Everybody was doing this in 2007 for Google, Facebook, Apple. They seem to think times haven't changed.

I don't like something about Framework. I'm not sure what.