Peloton announces $95 “used equipment activation fee” to – 605 points –
Peloton announces $95 “used equipment activation fee”
  • Peloton is introducing a $95 "used equipment activation fee" for bikes purchased from outside its official channels in the US and Canada, aiming to boost revenue and maintain onboarding quality for new subscribers.
  • The fee has sparked criticism as it reduces the cost savings typically associated with buying secondhand equipment and diverges from practices in other industries, potentially discouraging used market purchases.
  • Peloton's hardware sales continue to decline, but subscription revenue has seen slight growth; the company still faces financial struggles despite cost-cutting measures and layoffs.

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Just outlaw things that don't work without internet connectivity. Activation included.

AAAAND that's the moment I'd go from frothing progressive to bomb-slinging radical. That very moment.


I hate the IoT with a fervor of ten thousand rabid honeybadgers and if it were legally mandated for every piece of technology, I would go full luddite and tear as much down on my way out to a cave in the woods as I could.

Ah, I meant the opposite, outlaw things that only work with IoT. Leave things that don't.

But I'm not against you going bomb-slinging radical to make it happen