Smotrich: Might be ‘justified and moral’ to cause 2 million Gazans to die of hunger, but world won’t let us

Alphane to – 84 points –

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He's Ukrainian, take him back!

Listen to Giden Levy speaking in 2015 on how Israeli society lives with the occupation

take him back!

What does this even mean? I live in Ukraine.

I think they mean Smotrich is Ukrainian. According to Wikipedia he says his ancestors lived there.

Thanks for the clarification, I misunderstood.

Smotrich was born in Golan Heights and never seemed to have lived in Ukraine (and I am guessing he doesn't speak Ukrainian?).

Why would we "take him back"? :)

And what's he going to do in Ukraine anyway?

Don't think he has what it takes to fight the russians.

It's one thing to demolish Gaza and another thing to fight against a strong, well equipped and deadly enemy.