Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for a second time to World – 381 points –
Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for a second time

The statue commemorating Anne Frank, one of the most famous victims of the Holocaust, was defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for the second time on Sunday.

The statue is located in Merwedeplein, near the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.

According to images published on X, the base of the statue was spray-painted with the slogan "Free Gaza" while the girl's hands were painted with the same red color, AFP reported.


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No, your dipshit joke implied we have the same father.

It did?

Like I said you must be 12v running on 9v.

That doesn't sound good.

If you had the other 3v maybe you'd know.


Trolling ain't so fun when people are ok with being as annoying as you are. Now is it?

Why you insisted yourself into at least half of my comment chains on the subject of beyond me.


You done then? No more harassing me with stupid shit following me comment to comment?

Is it harassment to reply to insults?

You initiated every conversation with me simply to annoy me and say nothing, that's harassment.

I didn't initiate as much as I replied.

No you initiated, to reply I would have had to speak to you first which didn't happen. Though it may be amusing chronology escapes you, stop bothering me dude. You've been warned.

You don't own this thread, and you can report and/or block me at any time.

You're sending me a half dozen comments every minute and relying to every new comment i make so I stopped making them.

You're harassing me and you know it quick is why you stopped even trying to make a point and devolved to just saying random dumb shit.

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