Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for a second time to World – 381 points –
Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for a second time

The statue commemorating Anne Frank, one of the most famous victims of the Holocaust, was defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for the second time on Sunday.

The statue is located in Merwedeplein, near the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.

According to images published on X, the base of the statue was spray-painted with the slogan "Free Gaza" while the girl's hands were painted with the same red color, AFP reported.


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IIUC, bigotry is against a person or people.

So add can't read or doesn't trust dictionaries to the pile of stupid shit you've said today.

a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

a person who is intolerant or hateful toward people whose race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc., is different from the person's own.

a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life:

I find it fixing hilarious you either don't know or are arguing against the definition of bigotry on a comment chain discussing..... Bigotry.



bigot (plural bigots)

1a. One who is narrow-mindedly devoted to their own ideas and groups, and intolerant of (people of) differing ideas, races, genders, religions, politics, etc.

2b. (obsolete) One who is overly pious in matters of religion, often hypocritically or else superstitiously so.

Way to provide a definition that agrees you're a bigot, bold of you to be so proud of.

bigotry ≠ opposition

Saying you hate them have your a bigot.

Where did I say I hated any person ITT?

You literally reduced everyone to religion, you clearly hate religion.

Everyone is bigoted in some way for some reason, yours happens to be race and religion. Notably you still seem to misconstrue anti semitic and anti Judaic.

You literally reduced everyone to religion,

no I didn't.

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