Firefox has a lot of issues, but maybe we don't have any other option. to – 279 points –

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Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled

Google Chrome is now encouraging uBlock Origin users who have updated to the latest version to switch to other ad blockers before Manifest v2 extensions are disabled.


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You may not care about financial shit, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. My point is precisely that the financial costs are so prohibitive, that the most likely scenario is that no one will be capable of stepping up long term.

I don't know, man. Look at where big projects are at right now. Blender, Gimp, Linux, Inkscape, KDNLive...

It can happen.

But anyway. The day I can't use a secure, open-source web browser is the day I'll stop web browsing. Just like when I decided to never buy commercial music, go to the movies or buy a Smart TV.