/r/AccidentalRenaissance moderators have all resigned. The subreddit has permanently shut down and moved to Lemmy.

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Reddit@lemmy.world – 4239 points –

AccidentalRenaissance has no active moderators due to Reddit's unprecedented API changes, and has thus been privated to prevent vandalism.

Resignation letters:

Openminded_Skeptic - https://imgur.com/a/WwzQcac

VoltasPistol - https://imgur.com/a/lnHSM4n

We welcome you to join us in our new homes:



Thank you for all your support!

Original post from r/ModCoord


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I actually prefer kbin.(social). It hasn't had nearly as much downtime and errors and whatnot as I've experienced on lemmy. Which is remarkable since Lemmy has been around for a few years whereas kbin is fairly recent.

Like, there are always growing pains, so I get it, and with all the influx of new users there can be issues, so not a big deal.

I think Lemmy's more popular mostly because for whatever reason it's the catchall name for the fediverse right now. IDK if there's any like (very mild) astroturfing going on, or the name is just catchy, or what.

It's the name that's catchy, and word of mouth when the Reddit drama happen, people weren't mentioning Kbin that much.

Also Kbin sounded like a website for uploading pictures of programming code that you want to send to another programmer. It's a very utility sort of name, where Lemmy is a very cosmetic sort of name.

If want an unprovoked opinion of a new join, I picked Lemmy because it was a simple word I could pronounce. I'm not saying kbin would be difficult to figure out, but having a simple name to pronounce is an easy "Welcome" sign to the newbies.

I should probably check around kbin at some point and I might even like it better. I just found what worked for me and I'm hesitant to change anything right now.......okay you motivated me, I'll check it out this weekend.

To me, Lemmy looks and works like reddit used to. Kbin looks like reddit's awful mobile client 🤮