Chris Remington@beehaw.orgmod to Jokes and – 111 points –

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Imagine intentionally not accommodating your vegan or vegetarian friends. Absolutely deranged behaviour

Would a vegan/vegetarian buy and cook meat if they hosted a BBQ?

I was vegetarian for 11 years, fully plant based for 2, and I did cook meat at events with people who ate meat. No demographic is a singularity, though, and there are many veggie folk who wouldn't, either on ethical grounds or on grounds of having no bloody clue how to cook meat properly.

im sorry do you not have veggies of any kind at your bbqs to make this dichotomy make sense? you're missing out

I never said that but ok..

So then why dont vegetarians have any options at them? why does "vegan/vegetarian wouldnt accomodate meat" a logical follow on to not accomodating vegetarians at an omnivores bbq?

I dunno, I'm not the fuckin BBQ gatekeeper here. Frankly, I don't really care, do whatever the hell you want. I'm so sick of these dumb ass arguments that will literally go nowhere because people do what they want. Go eat a pepper

I mean maybe, maybe not. Completely different argument though. You don't have a moral or ethical opposition to eating food that is vegetarian or supporting it as an industry. (Or, at least, you shouldn't and if you do then I have questions)

But they'd make sure that there were gluten free buns if there was someone who couldn't eat gluten, which is a more apt comparison.

Is meat eating a moral or religious belief?

It's a sustenance thing..

My Vegetarian friend did this yesterday. He was the only vegetarian at the BBQ he threw.

Probably? I don't eat meat at home save for very specific occasions and I would but, you know, there are a lot of different people out there.