What would you buy if you could?

cheese_greater@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 69 points –

Anything goes but I'm particularly interested in habits/practices/abillities that are real and otherwise can be developed with time and effort.

Keeping living space clean at all times


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A house by the lake would be nice. Perhaps an island as well.

I would definitely go for a recursive island. It’s an island with a lake, that has an island.

Turns out there’s a ton of them in Finland.

There I would build my house: by a private lake, with a summer house on the private island on the private lake.

It's unfortunelately really hard to get a building permit on a island. They're virtually always vacation home plots. Funnily enough though islands are usually cheaper than the equivalent size of land on the mainland.

Of everywhere I traveled, my favorite place in the world to visit was Samosir Island in Lake Toba.

So it's a lake island in a volcanic lake on the Island of Sumatra in the worlds biggest Island country (Indonesia).

Its not a private Island and there are people living there and even tourists coming regularly. But getting to it is quite the effort, so I call it reclusive in that way.

By private do you mean "Already inhabited by 12 billion mosquitos"?