'Jaw-Dropping' Energy as Voters Line Up for Miles for Harris-Walz Rally in Wisconsin

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 748 points –
'Jaw-Dropping' Energy as Voters Line Up for Miles for Harris-Walz Rally in Wisconsin | Common Dreams

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We want to separate power from money.

Unfortunately, the two have an extremely strong attraction to each other. Keeping them apart isn't feasible in the long run without actively dismantling concentrations of power.

Money is literally power.

It is a coupon that commands a fraction of labor and capital combined.

You'd need to get rid of the post of president for that.

Or get rid of the (people that have all the) money.

That will just make other people take that place. Better start taxing the hell out of the rich, up to 100% at a certain level.