Space Marine 2 feels even more explosively, grimly, and hilariously authentic to the Warhammer 40,000 universe than the first game to – 116 points –
Space Marine 2 feels even more explosively, grimly, and hilariously authentic to the Warhammer 40,000 universe than the first game

A Warhammer 40,000 space marine is not just your usual sci-fi super soldier. They are hulking behemoths, 10 feet tall (and about 10 feet wide too). They don't move like people, they move like freight trains. They have the physical bearing of an industrial freezer unit and the emotional intelligence of a crocodile. They do not retreat and they do not surrender, and their 9-to-5 is fighting the worst things you can possibly imagine over and over in a completely futile forever-war.


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Remember: WAIT!

They cancelled the beta. So something was SO wrong with the game, that they didn't want the public to find out about.

I hope it will be a good game, because the first was fun to play, but we will find that out after it released.