
9 Post – 57 Comments
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Just checked the steam discussions and it seems a bug was introduced somewhere in between that makes the game crash when a transmission message is opened in game due to a bug with the interaction between game and steam.

A workaround is to just play through the game with Steam shut down completely, which works fine. The downside is that after collecting any Message from Home, that save file will be unplayable if you run the game from Steam - the game will always hang at startup. But, it will update your achievements first!

See, you know what I'm talking about!

For GameCube and Wii there is the Dolphin emulator, it is great! They even managed to make multiplayer online working between emulators (not that multiplayer is possible in this game, but just to show how great the emulator is)

True, I forgot to mention that in the post!

For those who don't know: The main story is always the same, but the cutscenes and enemy variants differ, depending on which ancient one you are fighting against. While I also played it through 3 times, you can of course also just watch the other scenes and enemies on YouTube nowadays.

I still haven't played Silent Hill 2, but it is on my list. Is that game also cosmic horror? I thought it was more "normal" psychological horror in survival horror fashion?

It is very much the motto this idiot lives by. He just wasn't the first to coin that phrase.

I never considered it, but you are perfectly right. Prometheus was the first pirate and anti copyright activist! That makes me like him even more.

I really like the idea of not being the powerhouse on the battlefield, but the difficult thing will be to make it fun and also give you a progression, where you are not just the tank at the end again. The player needs to be the smart little weasel between the hyenas and not just the lion.

Yeah, that was a strange moment. Those in the company being for Altman, I can understand. They expected big returns of investment from keeping him around. But the outsiders on the internet cheering him on? Felt like Elon Musk in the beginning again. And yes I also fell for his engineer persona in the beginning. But I learned from that.

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And? Nearly everything is a self inflicted problem. You could just lay down and stop bothering, so why don't you do that?

Do I like long nails? Hell no. Does it affect me if somebody buys this keyboard to type and have long nails? Also hell no.

That might be for sure. Drugs are a bit different for everyone.

I meant it in connection that LSD is a hallucinogen, often regarding geometric forms and can make you see or rather feel connections between formerly unrelated things. Additionally it changes the feeling of time and space. All those are related to Gorogoa as well.

Both from Germany:

I remember that in my high school time many in my year went to plasma donation as often as it was allowed to collect the compensation. So while you are right that is legally never called payment, people with a need for cash for sure sell their plasma for money.

Oh and in the public sector there is or at least was in the past also the possibility for donating blood and you get the 2 hours or so for that paid as normal. So the government donated the money for a good course.

They didn't say that, but the other commenter still speaks about a point that also caught my eye:

It doesn't matter if donating blood or plasma is able to be longer stored. When you need one of them, you can't substitute with the other. So the medical area still needs both. So you still need people donating both. If a medical institution is telling me they only collect plasma, I would question their motives, because both are needed for helping people.

Maybe the donating place just gave the short explanation and they meant, that for blood donations there are other better places, but it could also mean, they don't earn enough money with that. And THAT is I think what the other commenter meant with their admittedly short comment.

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Shouldn't the mod only affect what you yourself see? So in principle if SquareEnix doesn't host the mod content, it shouldn't be their legality, right?

The trailers till now already established a great atmosphere, let's just hope they can also make a great game fitting to the visuals.

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Remember: WAIT!

They cancelled the beta. So something was SO wrong with the game, that they didn't want the public to find out about.

I hope it will be a good game, because the first was fun to play, but we will find that out after it released.

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Team Cherry delivered a master piece by taking their time and releasing it when it was done.

So I have full faith in them and will hope the community also continues to has the patience to not pester them.

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If you are an EU citizen and agree with the initiative: GO VOTE!

It still needs to reach 1 million votes in total, not only the 7 country thresholds.

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Memes? yes!

Grievances? That's exactly what a review is for! Telling other people what you do and don't like about a thing.

But that was nowhere close to what you wrote though. It is perfectly fine to remind people that Valve is not the customers friend.

Soviet Russia never really said it was communist, neither did the other east European states. They said they had socialism and communism was the goal to reach in the future.

No and yes. If the copy and paste buttons would be at the position of page-up/down, I think many people would still use Ctrl+C because it is quickerto reach.

If the keys would be at easily reachable positions, then sure.

One example is women didn't need to stay home the whole day for child care, since there was Kindergarten for everyone from age 3 to primary school and even nurseries for children between 6 months to age 3 if you wanted to. Nowadays in eastern Germany the care infrastructure is still there mostly, but not on sufficient numbers and it is not guaranteed anymore, so parents need to have enough money.

To be fair, that was not (only) out of good will, but also out of economical necessity, since the female workforce was as much needed as the male one to keep the whole thing going.

The user name of the parent comment is "TheBigBrother". Big Brother is also the name of the totalitarian regime in the dystopian book Nineteen Eighty-Four from George Orwell. The other commentator referenced the Big Brother in 1984 to the comment of the parent comment thereby implying, that the original comment with the "my house, my rules" is too totalitarian or strict.

1914-1918, 1939-1945 probably. Also when the black plague was in other regions. Probably also during the great cleansing in Maoist China.

Thanks for sharing this video. While it is a bit long and has some duplication about some games in the introduction part and the specific game parts, it was nonetheless interesting to hear about this in depth talk about the romance genre.

I think the biggest problem romance in games will always have is the inherent contradiction between game mechanics and the realistic development of a relationship. It will be between the two extremes of being a pre written story or being a "relationship vending machine". But maybe somebody will find a way to combine both in the future. I never would have guessed that I found it fascinating to play a autocratic countries border guard and then along come Papers, Please, so who knows.

I don't really understand the downvotes, is it due to the length or directly proving the point of the video that too many people are scared of romance in games?

But is that feature available outside PS5 on a PC?

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Evoland 2! Where the first game is mainly reference and no game, the second one is a completely original story and world which includes references. I highly recommend it.

Yes, the missing humor is what I miss the most in the sequels. They tell a great story, but it is a melancholic one. Seeing Marcuria occupied by human supremacists is not what I expected to see. Concentration camps even less.

I downvoted you per the rules, but thanks for that chuckle.

Because his reputation from acclaimed products (Populous, Black & White, Fable 1) are all long in the past and his latest games were nearly 90% cons.

And even his great games are not what he promised. Even there he promised more than he could deliver.

I mean already Black And White wasn't up to what he promised. And for Populous I don't know, because I wasn't following gaming news then, but needed to learn to read first =D

Yep, that was one of the things the developer changed later on. Now a complete pacifist playthrough is possible.

Yes it is wonderful, especially floating in space and just drifting. But be aware, certain parts are... intense in VR.

That's also the part I'm glad about. Not to put the Nazis on a pedestal or anything, but propaganda was something they took serious. Now it seems more like the right accidentally hits the notes their followers want to hear.

It's not automatic everywhere! I'm pretty sure deciding where the money from the budget goes is the biggest decision the current government can take for shaping the country. But in other countries this is mostly passed by Parliament, where the government has the majority by design most of the time (that's why they are the ruling party or coalition). On the USA, the Congress and Senate thing is responsible for the deadlock.

If you are ever in Vienna, you can visit the Fälschermuseum ("counterfeiters museum"), which is exactly what you describe

Animal abuse AND violent behavior in general.

I don't think somebody who has been violent multiple times towards humans will be different to a pet. Just because there was no animal close to this person yet, doesn't exactly instill confidence that the pet will not be hurt.

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Those are some nice games and while nothing could yet fill the Outer Wild shaped hole for me (except the DLC, play that one if you haven't yet) I can also recommend the following games which are in one way or another similar (but again: only in certain parts, nothing is like OW yet):

  • Heaven's Vault (very multi-branching/non-linear adventure where you learn to decipher a fictional language while traveling through space with your robot companion, great writing & world building)
  • Eastshade (relaxing open world with great atmosphere & without combat where you solve quests by painting pictures)
  • Return of the Obra Dinn (nice logic game where I really felt like a detective and also wanted to figure the story out)
  • Disco Elysium (contender with OW for Best Game Ever in my mind. Wonderful, life like characters and the writing plays your emotions like an instrument from laughing to crying and back. Pirate it however, since the original developers got duped out of their studio)

Also: play the Talos Principle DLC if you like the atmosphere and style of the main game. I really enjoyed the forum/community board feeling from the imprisoned robots in the DLC as somebody who lived through the 2000's internet era.

2020 there were at least 247 emu-adjacent birds (nandu/rhea), after some intervention. The highest counted was 2018 with 566.