Trump keeps calling Harris ‘Kamabla’ but nobody seems to know the meaning behind it

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 162 points –
Explaining Trump’s ‘Kamabla’ name for Harris

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I read a suggestion that he's combining Kamala and Obama because he's a dumb ass racist and that theory actually kind of tracks.

Sounds kinda dumb to me. Let's link her to one of the most popular politicians in recent history, that'll hurt her.

I have heard another idea, that it's a reference to the "blah people" meme. Which make sense, given that it's also racist. But honestly, who fucking cares? It's a demented weird asshole doing demented weird asshole things. I honestly can't wait until the day we no longer have to wake up to legions of Trump Whisperers trying to figure out what he "really meant" by whatever insane drivel spewed from his mouth.

I heard someone use the concept of egregores to analyse the way Trump's campaign works.

Trump, the mortal human man, is a blabbering incoherent fool. But there exists an idea of Trump in the minds of his various worshippers that is imbued with power by their belief. When Trump babbles, the egregore in the minds of the worshippers borrows their brainpower to produce various interpretations of what he says, with the most appealing fiction surviving. In this way, an organism made of thoughts in the minds of thousands of followers uses the processing power of those followers to produce rhetoric far beyond what the mortal man is capable of.

Another word for an egregore is a god. They are the central figures of religions. Trump has become a god through the worship of his many followers. What we are seeing is the power of worship the transform the incoherent words of a man into the gospel of a beloved prophet. We are witnessing in real time an ascent to divinity. And to be specific, an apotheosis into an evil, vengeful god.

Sounds like something out of Unknown Armies. Recommend checking it out if you like modern day occult and roleplaying games. (I only know 2nd edition but there is a third edition)