1 Post – 16 Comments
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Art was a mistake.

I read a suggestion that he's combining Kamala and Obama because he's a dumb ass racist and that theory actually kind of tracks.

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"Some Democrats say..." Way to marginalize the obvious threat, BezosPost.

Another good non-offensive example is communities that speak a different language than you.

/c/ich_iel, you all seem very nice, but I never know what the hell you are yammering on about. BLOCKED.

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When you enter "how to join Lemmy" in search engines one of the first results is this Reddit thread, which explicitly suggests people join Lemmyworld.

In fact, when I point people to Lemmy via Reddit, I use that post also because that suggestion actually makes it way more approachable. I think most people, myself included, are intimidated by multiple servers and feel like they're "intruding" into private spaces. The size of Lemmyworld might help people feel like it's more anonymous and a little easier to join as a result, especially since they are being asked to wait for "approval", which is pretty unusual on the modern Net, let's be honest.

It's cool bruh, we can just reverse it if things start getting uncomfortably warm.

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"Remember kids, even rumors can be hurtful"
~Richard Gere

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I've also heard ferrets are terrible at Cribbage, but I'm not a scientist.

Oh. I always assumed it was because she is, like, well endowed, or something. Guess that's a me thing.

Yikes. You know, vegans are targeted by the extremely wealthy & powerful meat & dairy industries who spend untold fortunes making the vegan lifestyle look as unappealing and "crazy" as possible?

I mean, I'm sure you're galaxy brain is impervious to propaganda and everything, I'm just saying, you're painting with an awfully broad brush.

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It's crazy to me to see all the hollowed out store fronts because local businesses can't pay "rent." Especially after the pandemic.

The small business couldn't make rent, so the Landlord kicked them out, so now the business person has no business and the landlord has a boarded up storefront covered with graffiti. There are entire city blocks abandoned because of this nonsense. Who does this benefit?

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Still getting treated with the white gloves. "Maybe might have implied an untruth jokingly..."

Oof, thanks for this.

What exactly would you like the Democrats to do? What's your grand plan? They have to work within the law, even though the SC is clearly not. You ever read Alan Moore's, The Killing Joke? We have to show them our way works. At least for now.

Begun the Bot War has.

I think it might depend on the State you live in, honestly. Especially when we're talking Ralts (I image searched that shit).