What vm software you use on linux

Read bio@thelemmy.club to Linux@lemmy.ml – 82 points –

I use vmware and qemu


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How "scriptable" is virt-manager?

My biggest issue with VirtualBox is that I have to install OSes as if I'm actually installing them. There aren't any images (at least that I'm aware of) that can run with a command, like deploying an EC2.

Virt-manager isn't super scriptable but the underlying libvirt can be controlled by virsh which is a shell interface to libvirt. You can use both at the same time, e.g. start and stop via virsh and access to gui container via virt-manager/virt-viewer.

Virtual manager isn't scriptable at all as it is just a GUI for libvirt. You are probably looking for qemu or virsh (libvirt)

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