White House “deeply concerned” about civilian casualties after the IDF said it had struck a command room that terror operatives set up at a Gaza City school where displaced Palestinian civilians were

Don_Dickle@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 182 points –

White House “deeply concerned” about civilian casualties after the IDF said it had struck a command room that terror operatives set up at a Gaza City school where displaced Palestinian civilians were sheltering


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Obviously not concerned enough to stop it.

Or to stop providing weapons.

I’m kind of curious as to where Biden will draw the line.

I mean, seriously. Netanyahu has strung him along on the ceasefire and everything else, including lying to Biden’s face, while bombing civilians.

At what point, do you look at the “leash” our aid represents and start yanking?

Biden won't. He was willing to throw the US to an autocrat for Israel.

He has no discernible line. Or if he does, his priorities are absolutely wonky.

all important^1^ parties to this slaughter are in perfect agreement with each other. all of this has been normal and within acceptable parameters.

^1^ non-Palestinians