
1 Post – 169 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Step 1. Fire Boeing.

Step 2. Fucking FUND NASA.

Step 3. NASA builds space stuff that works.

52 more...

I love this for him.

Here's an idea.

Political donations above $500 should be taxed at 50%. At least.

Wanna spend $100,000,000 buying an election. You gotta pay the irs $100,000,000 too. No exceptions. No loopholes. No getting away with it. If you try, instant audit.

9 more...

Easiest answer.

Pack the court. It's perfectly legal. No laws or precedent against it. Just a lack of political will and spine.

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If she's serious she'll be a historically great president. But if it's PR. Not so much.

We'll see when the DNC starts. They can script all they want. But that will tell us the story. Who they invite. What they talk about. It's all theater of course. But it'll act as a barometer of where the politics are.

The DNC is first and foremost a corp. And I don't trust corps. Don't trust them any further than I trust Blackrock or Vanguard.

They can't collect donations if everyone is broke. They need people to have disposable income. And shit has got so bad now. They have to be feeling it.

12 more...

Please. Please. For the love of whatever Gods you claim. Please run on this message.

I installed it earlier this year on android. But it wouldn't let me sign in or browse without syncing my contacts from my phone.

So I uninstalled it.

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He's a carpetbagger. Always was. I hope people are finally waking up to that.

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A few times. But the old man don't seem to learn.

Thousand plus years.

I don't know exactly when sneaky catholic scribes changed up the wording to make being gay bad except when they're being gay with children. But it's definitely their doing.

4 more...

What was so secret about it?

17 more...

He's right.

It was mostly under control until Citizens United. But since then, corps write the bills then pay the bribes to get them passed. Govt doesn't work for us. It works for them. And only for them.

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Oh no, anyway.

Seriously. These guys have 1 trick. And nobody cares. All that "Biden Crime Family" BS evaporated when Biden didn't swoop in to save hunter from that conviction.

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And none of them require a damned subscription.

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No. We're not even on board with trains as a concept outside of the context of heavy freight shipping. The people are. But big oil spends a lot of bribe money to make sure you can't easily ride a train across the country.

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I'm new here coming from Reddit.

Yalls subreddit needs links to here. And a short guide on getting started.

I had to scroll a bunch of comments to find the right name to Google. Then I had to find the most popular app to use. It was a bit of a hassle. Not too bad. But enough to be off-putting to newbies.

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The biggest loser actually.

Glad I never intended to give money to these assholes.

Apparently the FBI and IRS are very interested in it. Between falsely filing as a 501c3. Conspirwcy Against Rights. Then there's the Chinese IP linked to the whole thing so foreign agents.

Those fascists got some 'splainin' to do.


I don't play CoD. But im very pro modding.

Not with real men. Harris is winning with real men.

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I rarely dream. But when I do, it's deleted from my RAM about 10 seconds after I wake up.

Super fun to wake up sweating buckets absolutely pants shitting terrified and by the time it registers where you are and that you're safe it's completely gone.

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Jorkin Dapenis Vance uses sugar substitute in his sweet tea. Pass it on.

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This is why console demos are so rare anymore.

Try before you buy means fewer sales on launch day.

Informed consumers are careful with their money. And that's bad. Apparently.

That's awesome.

That genocidal lunatic doesn't need a reason.

Totally. Verge just lost their access to breaking gaming news. They'll be blacklisted from now on.

That said, I don't know anyone who goes to The Verge for breaking news on gaming.

The party of pedophiles.

I'm feeling more Schadenfreude than Catharsis tbh.

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"Not a dating simulator"

Clearly these dorks don't play Classic. Not back in the day and not now.

Obviously not concerned enough to stop it.

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You just know there's a plug chilling right now at that specific Golden Corral

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Red flag.

Same as the old right then.

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Good. Give him all the rope he needs. As he continues to flounder I expect a hard R before October out of him.

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Assassinates negotiators.

Whines when no negotiators.

Pretends to be victim.


This is like hiring an Anti-Racism Advisor who used used to be Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan.

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Grifters gonna grift

Cum Cup Conservatives.

I'm sure Jesus would approve. (Rwpublicsn Jesus, not that woke one from the Bible)

No. Being cartoonishly malicious towards our wage slaves is our guiding principle.

That poetic sounding "Shining city on a hill" is a gated community surrounded by slums that don't have electricity.