Harris economic policy draws on Biden White House alums Brian Deese, Mike Pyle former alums of Blackrock

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 30 points –
Harris economic policy draws on Biden White House alums Brian Deese, Mike Pyle

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This is like hiring an Anti-Racism Advisor who used used to be Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan.

So, most of the knowledge of what levers are exploited is going to come out of industry. I don't expect him to know a common persons problems, but he might know how to help.

When Obama was nominated I pretty instantly had my pulse raised over Tom Wheeler (FCC) and Tim Geitner (treasury), only to find myself surprised by Tom. His pick Jessica Rosenworcel is probably the best thing in my lifetime, and common carrier laws have only really held because he's been ready to stick it to Comcast.

Geitner should be behind bars.

It really depends, and a lot of what's on record from their time in industry is the company line. it's kind of counter intuitive, but things like 'pork' in bills in congress get cooperation because they can seek new organizations of power.

Divide and conquer works on the powerful too.