Logitech’s Subscription Mouse Idea Pulled Back After Backlash

OneMeaningManyNames@lemmy.ml to Technology@lemmy.world – 338 points –
Logitech’s ‘Forever Mouse’ Idea Pulled Back After Backlash

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And none of them require a damned subscription.

I don't imagine someone will actually pay monthly for a mouse

You underestimate people.

Who the f. has time to manage all these bills, apps, accounts... What's next, 2FA to sit around for an app to update, so you can sit through a "what's new" tutorial to unlock a pen just so you can write something down, all for the "convenience" of not having to run out of ink?

You know what people with money and no time do? They buy 20 dumb pens and then just toss one in the trash when it runs out.

The intersection between people who have money to burn and patience to deal with tech bullshit is extremely small.

The parodies write themselves now.