First Harris-Walz events leave Gaza advocates unconvinced. to politics – -2 points –
First Harris-Walz events leave Gaza advocates unconvinced

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You know, for a lot of people, those in palestine, their families here, and muslims across the world, there isn't a difference between the current administrations policy and what Harris is proposing.

The big picture, you need to see it.

And like we had to tell Blue MAGA over and over again, its not the voters job to come to the politicians position. Its the politicians job to go get the voters. And if the voters position is "I'd rather not have my people genociced" or "I'd rather my ethnic minority not be considered less valuable than goats compared to other ethnic minorities", well then, as a reasonable person, I'm sure you can understand why they and others in solidarity with them would continue to withhold their votes.

And on withholding your vote, it is quite literally the only thing that has given us a snow-balls chance at hell in actually beating Trump. Any one putting out rhetoric to the otherwise, in the form of voter shaming, any blue will do, or blue maga, is one full step down the road into fascism. They need to be named, shamed, and ignored. They worked to give us Trump by trying to vote shame an entire nation into supporting Biden, a failed candidate who by all objective metrics had never been even competitive in his 2024 bid for president.

Kamala signaled with her Walz pick up that she would do better on Israel Gaza. Its her time to show the voters she is better, and no voter's owe her a vote either way.

Bullshit. You can vote for Harris or you can vote for Trump. Are you REALLY going to vote for Trump and think things will get better?

Ahh this shit again. The identical rhetoric that was being used to hand Trump the election.

Not much has changed... it's still FPTP... Nobody but Trump or Harris will pass the post... which one of the two do you want to win? Choose wisely...

Not much has changed

Oh I agree. You clearly haven't learned shit about how elections or voters actually work, considering that you're setting up the same conditions that resulted in Bidens disaster of a campaign. You should just take the time to think of the material consequences this specific rhetoric had on Bidens failed campaign.

You can not shame people into voting the way you think they should. Its not a voters job to adopt the position of a candidate. Ever. Insisting that it be that way when it isn't is sticking your head in the sand regarding reality.

Its Harris' job to address the issues voters have with the administration and hers' policy on Gaza. If she does not, she will not get those voters. If you see that happening and blamer it on those voters rather than the candidate, you are the problem.

I'm not shaming anyone... just stating reality. Harris or Trump will become POTUS. Nobody else running has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election.

Now that you're tuned in to reality... would you rather POTUS is Trump or Harris? I don't like it and you don't like it, but you don't get any other choice.

I’m not shaming anyone

You are.

… just stating reality.

You are not.

What are you feeling ashamed of? What shame do you feel I am trying to cast on you?

Who, besides Harris or Trump do you feel might get elected POTUS this election cycle?

If I start digging through your comment history, will I find you presenting Biden and Trump as a binary?

When it wasn't. When that was a lie constructed to support Trump? That specific rhetorical technique was driving people away from Biden, refusing to hold him accountable in such a way that he would become more preferable to voters.

If I dig through your comment history, how deep will I have to go to find you engaging a toxic, cult-like behavior, that almost cost us this entire election?

I get that you don't understand what you are doing or its consequences, but the world is actually much larger than your destructively narrow approach to looking at things. You should maybe take the time to engage in introspection and the damage that your approach and shockingly limited worldview actually does. If your worldview doesn't map to future states, its not the world thats wrong.

Yes... you might (not sure if I posted it or not) find the binary that either the Democrat or the Republican will get elected. Quit being obtuse and fixating on the names. All of the other parties combined couldn't get enough votes to win this election. FPTP is awful AND it is what we have right now. You can mentally masturbate all you want, but it won't change that the Democrat or Republican will get elected.

Maybe we'll get lucky and Trump will have an aneurism and we can quit wasting public time and money on that piece of shit. However, whoever takes his place will be just as awful because that is what we have for the GQP these days.

I will gladly work with you to try to get RCV enacted so that I can vote third party without throwing my vote away. Until that is in place, though, you and I both have to choose between Harris or Trump at the moment. Again, even if the names change, you and I have to choose either the Democrat or the Republican. Time for you to face reality.

You need to just settle for the back seat and be appreciative we're still allowing you on the bus, Blue Maga.

You world view isn't just problematic, its fundamental to why electorialism is broken in the way that it is. You should take the time and actually engage in the introspection necessary to fix it.

Just keep on stumping for Trump. You've revealed your true colors.

Just keep on stumping for Trump.

Thats you bruh. And it always has been. Your lies are now and forever on display for all to see. Thankfully we broke your back and through withholding our votes, we were able to replace the candidate and get this train back on its tracks and heading in the right direction. With absolutely NO THANKS TO YOU. You were and are not only a part of the problem, but the problem itself.

You should just keep your takes to yourself.

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