How Does Not Having Faith Effect Your Life to No Stupid – 67 points –

Occasionally find myself envying people with faith and wonder how my life is different than theirs.


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Pretty well, it lets me do things Jesus frowns upon and actually enjoy my life instead of being a spiritual slave to a human invention.

I can't think of anything I do that Jesus would frown upon. Leviticus? Yeah, I eat shellfish and the like, so probably he'd frown, but I think the main complaint from Jesus would be that I haven't given up all my worldly goods and helped the sick and poor enough -- and I don't think he'd be all that mad, regardless. It's not like I'm trying to make profits off money-changing in front of the temple.

I agree, I don't need some 2000 year old book to dictate how I live my life.

I will live my life on my own terms and if someone has a problem, they can respectfully leave my life.

Doesn’t doing all of the things you want to do still make you a slave, spiritual or otherwise, to a human invention? Your desires are created by yourself or others.