2 Post – 347 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck this guy so much.

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/l/BadWomensAnatomy and /l/MenWritingWomen.

Fake af

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I mean, that dude has been anything but sleepy. Considering the epic shit-show he inherited, I think he’s doing quite well.

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Decentralization is necessary to prevent an all eggs in one basket type of situation. An all in one would just be targeted so fast it would be worthless.

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Good for them, we need way more of this.

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I dunno man, after reading the article I kind of get their point.

Israel has over 15,000 cameras installed all over the place. They seem to be taking in so much information that they are legit obfuscating themselves, lol.

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America try not to be racist challenge.(Impossible)

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“These policies could have saved hundreds of lives but it inconvenienced me a tiny bit so I will not stand for it!”

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Pretty well, it lets me do things Jesus frowns upon and actually enjoy my life instead of being a spiritual slave to a human invention.

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And then she starts an “Ask A Scientist!” stream.

Y’all need Jesus!

I tried audiobooks to get past this issue and instead ended up clicking the back 30s button a ton to see what I zoned out on. It’s so annoying when you really enjoy books.

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You realize most of them aren’t even legally allowed to leave, right?

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You know what’s funny about these kinds of posts is the type of dude you’re replying to literally NEVER comes back to say “shit, my bad”.

Like, I don’t get it, someone corrects me anywhere and I’m like “thanks, bro, appreciate the correction”…but I’ve never seen these dudes do that.

Wonder why?

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Bro did you read the article?

One of the first things they mention is the need for large battery banks to store the generated power in for later when you need it.

And of course you can make “excess” power in the context of power being generated more than is being consumed and/or lost due to inefficiencies in your system.

It’s neat you “work in the industry”, though, explains a lot.

Probably because that would be a gross abuse of power.

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The five other minors to be prosecuted, aged between 14 and 15 at the time of the attack, will be charged with premeditated criminal conspiracy, or ambush.

They are suspected of having pointed out Paty to the murderer or helped monitor his exit from the school.

They weren’t involved in the killing, they are guilty of pointing him out.

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And at only about 10 times the cost of traditional bicycle tires, you’ll only need to not replace your tires about 11 times for this to be cost-effective!

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Sounds like they’re trying to parity match what iOS is doing now with emergency situations

I doubt they’re gonna let you use it willy-nilly.

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This is like the dude who sells the pickaxes getting mad at the miners when they find gold. So he tries to incorporate some sort of pay per swing model. Absolutely horrendous idea if you don’t own the entire market on pickaxes.

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What does this mean?

The author is simply sharing a report from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) about inefficiencies in the Texas grid and how it’s structured.

Texas has their own plan to rely more on oil and older technologies, so if anyone needs to see this, it’s Texas.

This report may be meaningless to certain Texas politicians, but it’s certainly not worthless in general.

Couldn’t just some of y’all defed instead of blocking it wholesale for everyone?

I thought one of the main perks of federation was user choice?

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Scores of people, mainly women and children, have been killed in multiple Israeli air strikes on the main road connecting north and south Gaza, as Palestinians carried out an Israeli order to flee their homes.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, at least 70 people have been killed in three separate air strikes on the road, with the latest killing at least 40.

The Israeli army said in a statement on Friday that civilians must leave Gaza City in the north, and that they would not be allowed to return "until we say so" and until "a statement is issued allowing this".

However, locals have reported a number of attacks on the Salah al-Din Road since then. Survivors, speaking to local media, implored others not to make the journey for fear of being targeted by the Israelis.

"Do not leave," a distraught survivor of the attacks told local media.

"They bombed the convoy. They bombed it on Salah al-Din Road. They bombed the ambulances."

Another survivor said the attacks were a "direct targeting of women and children".

"I was in the truck. There were about 200 people. 90 percent were women and children. We took the main road that the entire world knew we were taking. My entire family were with me. Out of nowhere, they dropped a bomb. Everything was black and I lost conscience for 10 mins," they told local media.

"When I woke up I saw a mother lying with her baby, whose brain was right next to him. I heard the ambulances then they bombed again. I took cover and after a few minutes tried to check the damage, then they bombed again."

In my opinion this statement:

And, in the video you already saw atop this post, XR and AI booster Cix Liv went nearly full Glasshole by walking straight into a San Francisco coffee shop and placing an order, without bothering to hide the cafe’s address.

Immediately followed by this statement:

I spoke to Ray Ng, co-owner of Fiddle Fig Cafe, the coffee shop in question, and he thinks it was just “a stunt for laughs and giggles.” Liv didn’t sit down and drink his coffee with the headset on, says Ng. “They took the set off, sat down, and that was it,” he tells me over the phone. The whole thing was over in “maybe 5 minutes.”

…really exemplifies the entire nonsense tone of this article. What a waste of words they threw together to attempt to …piss people off? Like…what’s the goal, just to hate on people looking different and trying something brand new in public?

Is this the “phones are going to ruin everything” but for a whole new generation all over again?

Egypt allows in only a few hundred Gaza travelers a day, so Hamas maintains a months-long waiting list. Those who pay for "coordination" — a bribe believed to be pocketed by authorities on both sides of the border — get bumped higher up the list.

Lots of innocent young people are just trying to get away, but can’t and are going to get destroyed because of these two extreme sides.

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I don’t understand how hard it is to not go out in public wearing staggeringly polarizing political opinions on your chest.

Like, ok, you think Zionism is hawt, but why tf would you want to so proudly tell everyone that?

People are fucking weird.

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During Thursday’s speech, Biden deviated from his prepared remarks, skipping over the word “abortion” and instead using the phrases “reproductive freedom” or “freedom to choose.”

Yes, he is catholic. Yes, most Catholics disagree with abortion. No, Biden doesn’t think his religious beliefs should dictate how women live their lives. He literally says it plain as day for even the very stupid among us to understand. Good luck!

“Use SNAP benefits and get a job” -Jesus, apparently.

Copy and paste?

Do a little bit at a time?

I wish I knew, bro.

The Catholic Church venerates him as the patron saint of amateur radio operators, drug addicts, political prisoners, families, journalists, and prisoners.

That’s uh, ..huh…something.

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That’s true, but Amazon pays above the national average, which itself desperately needs to rise.

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So you can't have a good character or story unless it's centered around whether the character is a man or a woman?

Where on Earth did you get that from my comment?

You're gonna lose your mind when you hear about aliens, robots and other non sexed characters.

….which often is attached to specific unique narrative concepts for those types of characters, since they too share a unique world view that is helpful or even necessary to set the background and future specific storyline.

Bonkers take my dude.

Feels like teachers of my day telling everyone calculators won’t exist (in your pockets) in the future.

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Okay I read the article and it’s way more dystopian than a free tv in exchange for ads. This thing is pretty creepy.

I didn’t realize it has like a camera counting the viewers and their participation, and that you had to use it exclusively as your main tv, and that you can’t even put stuff in front of the ad screen.

Jesus Christ.

OP must be 12

As someone who watched the entire two hour debate yesterday I’ll just say don’t hold your breath hoping that anything happens.

Had to watch one lawyer explain the law to a bunch of judges that clearly didn’t understand it, culminating with the judges agreeing they could charge trump, but shifting the argument to whether or not they SHOULD because it would set a precedent…

…and the second lawyer agreeing there is no legal reason they can’t charge trump, but arguing they shouldn’t because no one else has done it before, so why should they start now? Basically trying to get them to ignore the letter of the law and agree with themselves.

At one point lawyer 1 had to explain how states rights works to the judges, and convince them it’s okay for states to make these decisions, because we have checks and balances set up in appeals and processes.

The judges seem terrified of being the ones to decide what’s right, thinking it will open a Pandora’s box of chaos, suddenly allowing political parties to disqualify each others candidates before they even hit the ballot. Which is a silly argument, as they can already do that now if the person doesn’t qualify, so they’re literally only asking the judges to do their fucking jobs.

Politics is so much fun!

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They help fund some public stations around the country, and lobby to support them, allegedly.

America's Public Television Stations (APTS) is a nonprofit membership organization ensuring a strong and financially sound public television system and helping member stations provide essential public services in education, public safety and civic leadership to the American people.

Its affiliate APTS Action, Inc. promotes the legislative and regulatory interests of noncommercial television stations at the national level through direct advocacy and through grasstops and grassroots campaigns designed to garner bipartisan political support. The public television system is comprised of 158 licensees operating 356 public television stations across America and serving more than 97 percent of the American people. About half of these licensees are nonprofit community foundations. The rest are State, university and local school district licensees. All are locally owned, locally operated and locally oriented in their programming and community services, and all share a mission of serving everyone, everywhere, every day for free – including in places where no model for commercial success exists.

APTS is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in all forms to reflect the society that public television serves.

Additionally, APTS is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually working to improve the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

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I woke up one day and suddenly realized I “was” and couldn’t remember anything previous to then.

Maybe like 4 to 6, asked my older brother if he had the same thing happen to him growing up and he said “yeah, I guess” and then left, like he always did. So I figured the amnesia mixed with consciousness was normal and have been remembering the suffering since, lmao.

They can both exist.

I personally enjoyed the new Final Fantasy.

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It’s also a desolate wasteland we might as well extract the resources from to jump off to better locations in the solar system.