Harris pledges to work to end taxes on tips for service industry employees, echoing Trump vow

Beaver [she/her]@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 406 points –
Harris pledges to work to end taxes on tips for service industry employees, echoing Trump vow

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You're mixing issues there, this is exactly what eliminating taxes on certain forms of income would lead to, fights between people of the lower classes, I can tell you from experience because at my previous job we were in this exact situation, salaried employees knew that tipped employees didn't pay taxes on everything they got and would work against them when negotiating to renew their collective agreement instead of joining hands and fighting against the employer.

The fact that rich people don't pay their fair share is a separate issue entirely and even if then did it wouldn't make it ok to eliminate taxes on certain work related forms of incomes instead of adjusting tax brackets.

I'm not mixing anything. I am very consistently advocating for:

  • Eliminate tipping entirely
  • Pay people a living wage
  • Make the bottom tax bracket quite large

So you keep answering a question that wasn't asked then.

I provided both answers... I love how you're here to defend the rich.

salaried employees knew that tipped employees didn’t pay taxes on everything they got and would work against them when negotiating to renew their collective agreement instead of joining hands and fighting against the employer.

So the salaried employees were the rich in this case. Fucking petty-ass losers. So worried that a peon might get paid that they had to fuck themselves in the process.

No, the tipped employees were the rich because they had the same earnings but paid about 10k less in taxes. In some departments the tipped employees were the ones who made the most money in the whole building, I'm talking 500$ a shift in tip, 5 shifts a week, taxed on whatever they felt like putting on their weekly report.

So fucking report them to the IRS to make them pay their taxes. You're talking about tax fraud right now. You're also talking about the exception and not the rule. Most tipped employees have a guaranteed wage of around $2/hr and don't end up making anywhere near a living wage. Quit trying to fuck over the tipped workers and instead go after the corporate bosses and the billionaires. They're the problem... not your tax fraud buddy sitting next to you working for tips.

I think you very much underestimate what tipped workers make in general compared to salaried jobs requiring the same level of qualification.

Anyway, I thought you were in favor of people not paying taxes on tips... Gotta make up your mind there buddy, you should be happy they're sticking it to the man and refusing to pay taxes on what is rightfully their money, right? You can't decide that just because they make more tip than most then it doesn't apply to them, same rules for everyone or no rules at all!

You're hell-bent on trying to change what I've said and you can quit that shit already...

  • first and foremost - get rid of tips
  • second - pay a living wage
  • raise the bottom tax bracket substantially
  • fine the fuck out of tax cheats
  • get rid of the urban legend that a significant number of folks getting tipped are getting rich on it

But then when people are doing exactly that now you don't approve because it's people who actually make more than average... Funny right?

You are really, really bad at reading comprehension and only slightly good at stirring the shit. I have consistently said we should increase the size of the lowest tax bracket so that everyone low pay gets to pay lower taxes.

Are you going to continue to try to make hay out of someone having a guaranteed pay of $2/hr? What is your end-game here?

Just quoting you buddy!

No matter what you're guaranteed pay is, if your get more earnings added to that you pay taxes on it like anyone else, if you're not happy with the total you get then look for another job, when employers are unable to find labour they'll have to increase the basic salary.

Hell, by your logic car salesmen should only pay taxes on their guaranteed salary, right? What they get from selling a car isn't guaranteed so why should they pay taxes on that?

Goodbye... you're just dishing bullshit and I have better uses of my time.

You just have to start thinking before typing, you're the one who couldn't answer the question and when you finally did you put your foot in your mouth, that's not my fault 🤷