Rachael Lillis, 'Pokémon' actor who voiced Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 400 points –
Rachael Lillis, 'Pokémon' actor who voiced Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

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Wrong. Actor isn't gendered.

It was at one point in time, but it has become non gendered over time.

You are both correct.

Which is funny, because while it should be non-gendered, the Academy Awards still has separate categories for "Best (Supporting) Actor" and "Best (Supporting) Actress". And unlike other competitions, the skills required and level of success is not objectively different between the sexes, so the differing categories exist as a relic from America's more misogynist past.

I imagine it could be more than a relic of the misogynistic past. It could also be in recognition of the misogynistic present, where women may not have all the same opportunities available to them as men in certain industries.

Negative. Words change over time, sometimes naturally and sometimes by force. We've decided to make it non-gendered because actress is absolutely gendered. Isn't language neat?

That's literally what they just said.