Rachael Lillis, 'Pokémon' actor who voiced Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 400 points –
Rachael Lillis, 'Pokémon' actor who voiced Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

That article gets her age wrong. She was 55. Born July 8, 1969, as confirmed by her sister.


I believed the 46. She looked great for 55. A wonderful person from the testimonies. Fuck cancer.

That makes more sense. I was in elementary school when season 1 came out and she would've gotten the VA job for production right at like age 18/19 with no resume for such a major project.

This is not a political statement. If you are a woman and are unable, or choose not, to have children, please have yourself more regularly screened for breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers.

Women who do not have children are at a higher risk for these types of cancers as well as other disorders. Doctors don't always recommend increased screening for childless women despite the increased risk.

And, in general, women should regularly do self exams of their breasts for lumps or changes in the breast tissue, ideally as a part of your shower/bath routine.


Wild, never knew that.

It's even more pronounced in smaller mammals like rabbits. If you don't spay your rabbit and don't let it breed within the first 3 years it will have ~80% chance of developing Uterine cancer and dying 12-18 months later. Usually dying beween 3 and 5 years old. A spayed rabbit, or one that's breeding will live to 8 if all goes well.

What is the biological cause of this increased risk?



It appears to be breast, ovarian and uterine cancers.

It appears to be exposure to the bodies sex hormones, primarily during reproductive years.

Taking certain types of hormonal birth control seems to have a similar protective effect, while others have an increased risk (At least in the case of ovarian cancers).

I knew there were increased risks for some women from longitudinal exposure to birth control, but I never knew it could have a protective affect in others. Biology is wild man. Our bodies and the things we put into them are constantly in a battle somewhere between saving us, and killing us at all times. It's both fascinating and also a bit terrifying really, at least to me.

Using birth control. Everything stays in an adolescent state. Getting pregnant once and aborting avoids this, but they keep that quiet.

It's sad that you have to start a good advice with such disclaimer. How did we let thus happen...

Diagnosed in May with breast cancer, this was fast.

If you don't catch it early on, you're not going to see the symptoms until its far too late. Hence the need for early and regular screenings.

I hope she was able to get the end of life care her family was fundraising for.

Her voice was a big party of my childhood in the 90s and 00s.

46 is way too young to go so fast. Excruciating for her friends and family, I can't imagine.

So sad to see another person become a statistic in the fight against cancer. My heart goes out to her and her family.

I hate to make something like this political but Republicans in the senate just rejected a bipartisan bill that would have increased funding for finding a cure for cancer.


Wrong. Actor isn't gendered.

It was at one point in time, but it has become non gendered over time.

You are both correct.

Which is funny, because while it should be non-gendered, the Academy Awards still has separate categories for "Best (Supporting) Actor" and "Best (Supporting) Actress". And unlike other competitions, the skills required and level of success is not objectively different between the sexes, so the differing categories exist as a relic from America's more misogynist past.

I imagine it could be more than a relic of the misogynistic past. It could also be in recognition of the misogynistic present, where women may not have all the same opportunities available to them as men in certain industries.

Negative. Words change over time, sometimes naturally and sometimes by force. We've decided to make it non-gendered because actress is absolutely gendered. Isn't language neat?

That's literally what they just said.