
1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Building houses to solve the housing crisis implies that the crisis was caused by a lack of homes. Every single one of the 2 million houses would be picked up by a property firm or a Chinese millionaire just the way it has been happening for the last ten years. What you really need is legislation, but what you are getting is more food for the hounds.

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TF do they mean stubbornly popular? My windows 10 works perfectly fine and I have absolutely no reason to change anything about it. What is this weird ass 'if you're not upgrading, you're being stubborn' when there is no reason to and windows 11 looks ass on top of it

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I found this while looking at reviews

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And gboard or SwiftKey don't?

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I sort of work in the industry so I feel like publishers are pretty important in getting your game out there. You, as a developer, want to focus your energies in making the best game possible. To make a game successful, there is a whole gamut of tasks which are necessary but are a pain to do such as finding a QA team, finding someone to do localisation, porting your game to other platforms if needed, marketing, and in a good bunch of cases providing funding.

The last part is where things get ugly. Because publishers are the ones who are giving you the money to complete your game, you are naturally beholden to the timelines and goals that they set. Good publishers listen to the developers because good games make good money. Then there are fucks like Sony management here and whoever was at embracer group who have never played a game in the last ten years and are in the position because of their MBA degree. There are a bunch of decent publishers out there like Devolver but naturally they are going to be picky with their titles. For the vast majority, going with whoever is going to give you the money and support is the way forward.

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How do I DIY rich parents

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I wonder which of fuwamoco would say this.

It's a pretty popular one but I'm currently playing through Disco Elysium and it's a masterpiece of thriller detective with very strong RPG integration. Highly recommend even if you don't like either of those genres as long as you like a good story.

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I usually respect ars technical for writing great stories. This time, however, they could've included the name of the app so it wasn't clickbaity. It's newsbreak for those wondering.

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I have multiple thousand hours on DotA but I feel like the problems here might be the same. These games have bloated themselves to the extent that it becomes impossible for a new player to be able to pick up the game because it is near impossible to create and maintain an in game tutorial. With hundreds of heroes/champions it's like a thousand different mechanical interactions and expecting new users to be willing to put up to that is asking for too much.

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Thank you for your advice, and I appreciate it. In light of your words, it could also be because of the sleep aid I took enabled me to actually sleep peacefully for the first time in about a month. I've had it thrice but I'm planning on cutting that one out starting today. Staying cautiously optimistic for the future!

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I don't know if you meant it with a /s or not but I would like to point out the entire rage around early access or alpha releases.

Other than that, having fans do things like these is something I don't think any developer would want to do primarily because contracts ensure accountability. As a developer, I have no way of knowing if the Spanish dub you made of my game is full of racial slurs or not. Similarly, if I launch my PS game on switch in the future, and it's absolutely abysmal, I would be the one on the firing block and rightfully so because I am the one who is bound to make money off of it. Shouldn't that mean I go with someone who has expertise in doing these things?

I personally am not aware of the mana series so I might not fully understand your argument, so you should feel free to educate me, but I believe it might be more of an exception with things going right instead of the countless ways it could go wrong.

I would also like to disclaim that I have no love for publishers and more often than not, they are despicable suits. However, this is the reality of the video games industry which isn't changing in the near future (but I sure hope it does further down the line).

Never thought I'd ever read someone call South Africa a Hamas ally.

Damn we really need to do something about this South African sharia regime. Gosh darn 1.5% Muslim population having country speaking out against my god ordained right to kill women and children.

I'll preface this by saying I'm not American so the point of this isn't a statement on seconds amendment. What I do not understand is, why would citizens be so obsessed by this format of firearms that it would make it all the way to the supreme court.

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I think these are fairly popular in their circles but I will take every opportunity to recommend sleeping dogs and judgement. Played both fairly recently and the plot is amazing and action is satisfying. Highly recommend putting them on your wishlist so you can pick them up on a sale.

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Knowing nothing about the source, the one movie I know this isn't about is the Angelina Jolie starrer Hackers

I don't think I agree. Where I stay, we just had a whole month of 47C when ten years ago it used to be around 37C. I'm not saying it will follow the same linear scale but I am saying that there's only so long humans can survive at these temperatures. For the bulk of the population, surviving at these temperatures means spending electricity which means burning more coal which means accelerating warming.

I don't see how I myself am going to survive for ten, fifteen years when my country can no longer grow wheat or vegetables, leave alone future kids of mine.

Nah, it's just that blaming Russia gets them zero dollars while blaming Ukraine potentially gets them not zero dollars. Post colonial Africa has been provided so much international kool aid that not getting any gives them withdrawals. There is so much research around how providing aid to African nations is detrimental to their economy but is that goes against the interest of local politicians who use procurement of foreign aid as a measure of their performance in office.

Valve and community management are sworn enemies

Finally finished my first playthrougb of disco Elysium. Absolute masterpiece. Can't wait to do a full schizo second run.

At the same time, the industry is looking towards massive monopolization. I think Embracer move was also motivated by seeing how ABK was able to make a sale to Microsoft and cash out. Now everyone is trying to sell themselves, including EA. The buyers are usually trillion dollar tech, or Saudis (who currently own a very big part of the industry), and Chinese megagiants (who own the other big part of the industry). As days go by, we are looking at a landscape which could be similar to early era console wars where players were forced to tie their wagon to one horse and hope that it keeps releasing titles. This might sound a bit doomer speak, but if a studio the size of gearbox can shut down, then absolutely anyone can.

Excuse me, where is this hope you're talking about?

I got sleeping dogs for less than 2 dollars the other day. About 15-20 hours of gameplay but really fun and well done.

Where do you put death squads on your PnL sheet?

According to EA, people want more large open worlds, multiplayer, and existing IPs so they want to do double down on that. This is from the company who released immortal of averum and wild hearts which barely ran at launch and then they wonder why people don't like any of their new IPs

What it runs on mac? What the fuck I'm never going to work again.

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Brother this entire patch has been designed with reducing grind in mind and now you can target farm uber uniques. Is that not worth it?

(To put things in numbers, in the previous Dev stream they said grind to level 100 is now reduced by 40%)

Oh god not team17 also. Probably makes everyone at this point other than maybe devolver who hire through mystical means in the first place.

ADHD diagnosis isn't as prevalent in Asia and it's highly regulated from what I know so I doubt there's stock just sitting there to be taken. In my city, I knew only two stores which had it and I had to travel over an hour one side to get it.

Every single relevant government office I've been to. How I wish not every single piece of machinery was from 20 years ago.

The patch is a bit ass, isn't it?

Feels like another one where icefrog wasn't involved.

You're correct. Why on the shitpost channel though?

The first guy was made of sugar


That's a bit of an unsolvable problem at this stage as well because when not enough new people pick up the game, they can't be matched with new players. Naturally, you end up getting matched with other low skill players who are, in a good number of cases, in that skill bracket because of this behaviour.

It's not about office space. They built a new office which somehow doesn't have enough capacity for everyone but it's still mandatory two days a week. It's just micromanagement at this point.

Is...is this an ad?

What does 196 have to say about this?

You're reading too much into this. I'm sure it was because of lack of usage

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