All three game console makers, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, have now abandoned X (formerly Twitter) integration to – 1627 points –
All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration

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You're reading too much into this. I'm sure it was because of lack of usage

Yeah can't be become it's 42k usd a month for th api npw

According to the article, Twitter is also charging $42,000 minimum for enterprise access. That's over $500k per year. If I was a Nintendo employee, I would not only cut that expense, but also use it as leverage for a massive end of year bonus.

use it as leverage for a massive end of year bonus.

Hahahahaha. Right. Like saving the company any money comes back as a bonus to the person. Best we can do is a shitty award on slightly thicker 8.5”x11” paper.

I know a decent amount of friends who use(d) Twitter to share moments and screenshots of after-game reports and random "aint this wild?" Moments.

And Splatoon on Switch got a big bonus from the memes the sharing enabled due to user generated content.