Cut the 'AI' bullshit

Jure to – 142 points –
Cut the 'AI' bullshit, UCPH — University Post

Illusion — Why do we keep believing that AI will solve the climate crisis (which it is facilitating), get rid of poverty (on which it is heavily relying), and unleash the full potential of human creativity (which it is undermining)?


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I don't think I explained it well.

I shop at 4, maybe 5, different grocery stores. Some products I have preferences whereas others I don't.

For example, say this is my grocery list for the week:

  • grapes (never buy at Walmart)
  • composition notebook
  • ground turkey (only buy at Wegmans, unless there's a sale)
  • oat milk
  • chocolate chips
  • eggs

I want an AI to scrape every grocery store's weekly ad or their website along with any coupons that are available, and determine the best price and, based on patterns of sales, what I should wait on and what time of day I should shop.

You explained it fine. And I agree it's a great use case. I've heard so many like this. It's a potentially a great interface to a lot of things and I think that's why there's a big push to make people shit on it. Seems like Lemmy is a foothold for hating on AI. I don't think the problem is your explanation its just cyclical people looking to hate on something. Just look at daily posts here about AI. They're all similar to headlines I see in places like r/Canada towards immigrants

They're taking our jobs They're assaulting our women Think of the children Our culture is gone

Every headline is some variation of that followed by toxic takes towards the subject.

Really disappointing to see really cool new tech with loss of potential get shit on by a place like Lemmy where I thought people were more open to advancements in tech.

I got what you were saying, it's just not something I can imagine ever caring that much about. Either I need a notebook or I don't. I'm out of grapes and want some or I don't. I don't need a shoddy piece of software to tell me any of those things. And attempting to micro optimize for sale events? Like, this just isn't a sensible way to live your life.

You have failed to understand it AGAIN. Good job failing.

It does NOT tell you what the list is. Period. Stop assuming it will advertise to you. You are repeatedly describing how you have FAILED to understand what it'd even be attempting...

Nobody said it made the list for you. The idea was moronic that it would tell you when to get these things. Which is idiotic because YOU ALREADY NEED IT.

If you relied on shitty software less your reading comprehension would be better.

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