School employee gets 9 years in prison for stealing $1.5 million worth of chicken wings from district to – 93 points –
School employee gets 9 years in prison for stealing $1.5 million worth of chicken wings from district

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I'm pretty sure I could eat them before they spoil

That is a FUCK TON of chicken wings.

Alexa tells me the wholesale price of chicken wings is $3.22 a pound and each pound is around 5 wings.

So $1.5m / $3.22 = 465,838.5 pounds of wings.
2,329,193 wings.

What did they charge her with? "Possession with intent to distribute"? LOL.

Well you know cops, they're always overestimating the value of chicken wings to make themselves look good.

If you ate that much I think it just might kill you.