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Joined 2 months ago

I always try to piece together what was said with the few pieces of info that did sink in. It's like a little mystery I have to solve.

It'd be so cool if it was found out that Musk was an illegal immigrant and he got deported back to south africa.

Unforgiven. No Country for Old Men. Shawshank Redemption

The projection thing is getting tiresome.

90% of the time Kamala finished her point perfectly before the mods started to interrupt. Respec

Trump...was his disgusting self

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It would be really fun to punch him in the face for like 30 minutes.

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I thought it was decided that worms ate his brain

Warns. lol. best ad yet for Kamala

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All I saw transpire was some cowardly piece of shit murdering a woman

Combined with his constant look of intense confusion, it seems like a lot more than senior moments.

Maybe she got kicked in the head by a donkey or ate a bad brain worm.

It was such a huge stage tonight and she was beyond solid. Like you said, the best democratic performance since... can't remember. maybe you didn't say now that I think about it. She came off so reasonable and nailed all the points that should do damage to a turd like Trump.(i'm fine with name calling)

So pretty much the same give or take a couple of people

pretty good policy if it only applies to him imo

"we failed". "we" shot the person in need of help in the head for no reason. There has to be some stronger wording this dipshit can use than "we failed". I'd prefer "we shouldn't exist"

So would Princess Kenny for some reason

I'm kind of impressed. I've never seen a 1.8 imdb rating before

I bet they definitely weren't under any pressure before this happened. Upper management not guilty for the 11 billionth time in a row.

I'm pretty sure I could eat them before they spoil

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Nic Cage is exactly who I think of when I think of John Madden

alcoholism and gaming

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Damn, nice summary awesome person. Great help to people like me.

He's not self-aware so no, he doesn't

malwarebytes will flag cracks like all the others but when I used to clean computers for a living, it rarely gave a false positive and found the most bullshit on Windows pcs. This was a few years back so I don't keep up with how it is these days.

It's a good thing I guess but a 'prophet'? Is that what these people believe? He's a dangerous, sleazy grifter. Always has been, always will be.

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I hear there are a lot of nazi types in prison. He should do well in there.

It's a series of tubes!

South Park had pretty good take on this subject.

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My IBS is flaring up. Be back in 30.

I think if alcoholism was prescribed by a doctor that it should move us to the top of the liver transplant list

I got an idea who should just fucking die and it would make the world a much better place.

Well you know cops, they're always overestimating the value of chicken wings to make themselves look good.

PETA is the worst

If it's effective, why don't certain people just start publishing stories about Trump secretly supporting abortion rights and performing abortions himself for fun? He really grabs these women by the pussy.

This is the thing that makes you realize you've been online way too long today

It's like being back on Reddit

I think cat stupidity exists as well as cat dementia. But yeah, in real life seeing that weird cat freak out would bug me.

Pretty amazing shot if he was aiming for the ear

I just kind of wanted to punch him all the time but his ultimate fate got to me a little bit.

It's only his first? If I was in his position, I would have accidentally fathered like 50 kids. I wouldn't have been responsible for them except for financially because I could afford it.