Elon Musk draws fire for playing down impact of America’s atomic bombing of Japan: ‘Not as scary as people think’

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 506 points –
Elon Musk draws fire for playing down impact of America’s atomic bombing of Japan

Elon and Trump make the worst possible argument for nuclear power I have ever heard:

"Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed but now they are full cities again," the multibillionaire owner of Tesla, SpaceX and X said.

"That's great, that's great," Mr Trump responded.

"It is not as scary as people think, basically," Mr Musk added.

They joked about nuclear power facing a “branding problem”.

“We will have to rebrand it,” the former president told Mr Musk. “We will name it after you or something.”


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It would be really fun to punch him in the face for like 30 minutes.

The internet has come full circle!

There used to be a game in the 90's where you punch Bill Gates in the face.

Like this:

I remember an early 2000 game called Who wants to Beat Up a Millionaire

Which was a quiz and if you got the right answer, you get to beat up your millionaire opponents until they aren't millionaires any more. Even getting some weapons.

Ah, good times.