Steam adds new "Trending Free" tab to hide demos from new & trending to – 563 points –

Great change imo. The new & trending tab feels a lot more useful now that it isn't 50% demos.


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Yeah it doesn't compare to old-school demos like stuff that came on discs with magazines, but at least it's a lot better getting the option to try something instead of buying and refunding everything. And at least some bigger studios and indi games are picking up on this as well.

For sure. But I hope they use the Steam Demo feature (same game page with a demo install button) instead of doing a free and premium type of publishing like they do with phone apps

instead of doing a free and premium type of publishing like they do with phone apps

It's not just phone apps, look at this shit on a big-name Steam game:

Calling your free trial "definitive edition" and having the "base game" as a paid DLC is purposely misleading

I mean... Aoe3 always had some sort of a demo version. Even the original base game had it. In fact, this is actually better, as now you are able to use 3 rotating civs, not just the English and the French, which you were forced to use before.

It's more than fine to have a demo, just call it a demo rather than tricking people into thinking it's the full version for free!

Why tho

Presumably for the free marketing of appearing in the free-to-play list

This was more meant as a rhetoric question but it's most likely as you said. A bit annoying indeed.