
5 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Reminds me of the meme of someone making a website with AI and then said to a bro his programming days were over.

And then proceeds to send the localhost address to the guy.

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Possibly worth checking back in, but frankly I think I'll still rather wait until they drop new content like the Illuminate.

Also wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of new issues will pop up now, as is tradition with Helldivers game updates.

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Sadly too true. Just tried a quick round, ended up getting stuck in the debrief screen where the ship is supposed to fly to the cruiser and had to Alt F4 out of the game. These kind of issues get quite tiresome.

Tried some more and sadly had a bunch of people crashed in my lobby a couple of times, and I crashed one game too. Later I started the game and I got logged out "due to inactivity" while on my ship for barely 30 seconds checking out a few items lmao

It's so annoying how bigs repeatedly happen, including stuff that's been fixed before, after every game update.

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Not sure why companies try to push mobile games like that so fucking hard. Just because everyone has a phone doesn't mean everyone wants to play games on them.

Also doesn't help that practically all mobile games like that are created with the intention to focus on microtransactions and grindy paywalled and timegated content.

Can't say anything of value was lost with sacking studios/devs for this kind of crap. It would only be better if it were the higher-ups coming up with this garbage for once.

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I don't think it's a traffic surge issue. The disconnects, crashes and getting stuck in some screens have been issues since launch. Some of them got fixed, but they seem to keep returning every update. Especially the crashes often seem related to specific weapons or actions. Like previously it was the Arc weapons that had high risk of crashes, at some point even throwing snowballs was advised against because it would often introduce crashes.

Outlaws doesn't really feel like either.

It has elements like both, but it doesn't do exploration towers that unlock areas. It feels more like a third option between the two, which makes most sense because it comes from the devs that did both The Division and Avatar.

I enjoyed Outlaws open world gameplay, even though it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It was still an enjoyable experience that felt like discovering the worlds on your own, instead of being guided and follow a checklist of stuff to do, despite having a list to get upgrades and do story and missions. It felt a bit more like Rockstar style open-world, where you just go about your business and run into encounters, instead of going from A to B all the time.

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They also deleted all my progress at some point because apparently I forgot to do some kind of transfer back when they merged with Blizzard or something. Maybe that's partially my fault but I could never recall that I was informed to do so, and I hadn't played in a long time.

I tried to get back into the game a while ago, but the story is such an incredible mess and hardly makes any sense being thrown from one place to another with very little information, as a new or returning player you'd have no clue where to go and what to do and what is actual new and relevant content and not. It's incredibly difficult to get a grasp of the game if you haven't been keeping up.

To imagine there was a long time games didn't offer enough demos anymore, and now we get so much that they need to be filtered 😂

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Do you get a loading screen when you step in and out of the vehicle?

Battlefield 1942 always stands out to me as the one that popularized large scale online battles on big maps with vehicles. At the time it was revolutionary in online gaming.

Command & Conquer: Renegade came out around the same time as well, with similar features. I kinda wish that game had a sequel as well.

Another gameplay feature that comes to mind is the exclamation/question mark above NPC characters for quests. I remember it first from WarCraft 3, but I think it really kicked off with World of WarCraft to get adopted by many more games.

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This is the most ridiculous American thing I've read in a long time.

They really went above and beyond to look for any "legal" excuse to get away with it. Whoever suggested to even use this as a defense can't possibly be a human being. What an absolutely disgusting low-point for such a company..

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I'm almost certain the only reason Concord has players is because of social media incessantly talking about it. The only reason I know of the game is because of social media.

Just let it die and move on already.

Well that came like 10 years too late lol

I don't think I'll ever use it considering it was already easily possible with flexbox, and before that (although dirtier) with tables as well.

The difference is the price of buying discs vs. buying from a digital store that has no competitors.

I've bought almost exclusively second-hand discs for my PS5, because they're like half the price for the exact same content.

Sadly it'll probably be just a matter of time before those will be phased out as well, one way or another.

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From what I read it was over 8 years in development, it should've been well beyond a rework, or maybe even a couple, already.

I'm almost certain that Sony, as any boss, was quite done with the whole fiasco and just said "fuck it, let's go" and just see what happens. It probably wasn't worth the time and effort to keep putting resources into a project going nowhere.

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Yeah it doesn't compare to old-school demos like stuff that came on discs with magazines, but at least it's a lot better getting the option to try something instead of buying and refunding everything. And at least some bigger studios and indi games are picking up on this as well.

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Then the game is just not for you.

I quite enjoy the amount of details going into games like this, same with Baldur's Gate 3 being so insanely detailed. It really shows the passion of the developers for the games they're working on.

There are so many more alternative and simpler role-playing games out there that are more straight to the point, like Elder Scrolls.

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Sounds similar to people trying to get me into alcohol, never liked it much, but everyone always keeps pushing it as if I need to "learn" to drink it.

Fucking no. It's disgusting. I like my occasional light alcohol drink but I ain't chug down litres and piss it, and my money, away because it's "cool".

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What he really meant to say was that he shilled out for the bags of money

It's really a shame because the upscaling tech is nice but it still has a lot of visual glitches and issues that keeps me from using it much. It might look nice on still images, but once things start moving there's a lot of blur and ghosting.

Same goes for raytracing, it can look good but lights and reflections will often still bug out, which takes me straight out of the immersion.

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Lol people in this sub shitting on others for enjoying a game that they hate. Must be hard to comprehend the fact that tastes can differ.

It's been a genuinely enjoyable game for me so far. Of course not without minor issues, but it does not even remotely deserve the hate it gets.

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If a CEO of a company don't even know what to do you know the product is doomed to fail. They should've had this kind of stuff figured out way at early access launch, or even before that already.

It's a shame they never gonna bother with DLC, I had at least hoped that they'd add in the parts from the endgame that they scrapped. Supposedly there was an entire Upper City part which they scrapped. I think it included the vampire castle, which they moved and is why it's in such a weird spot in the Lower City now.

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It’s a first-person, single-player game, you don’t necessarily need that 60 frames

These people shouldn't be allowed to work in game development.

Just grow a fucking pair and say that the Xbox isn't powerful enough to run it at anything beyond that.

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I was practically forced to move to other platforms, including Lemmy, because Reddit's way of dealing with things is absolute garbage. Their app is garbage, their ethics are garbage, their admins and moderators are garbage.

In short I got permabanned on the entirety of Reddit after confronting a moderator in my favorite sub violating their own (and Reddit's) rules and content policy. Which eventually led being banned on the sub by said moderator, and later Reddit got triggered as I was "avoiding a ban" with an alternative account (which happened accidentally).

Since then it's been impossible to get in contact with admins, and they've been autobanning any new accounts I tried to set up. I've been trying to appeal my bans dozens of times in the past year, but never get an actual response from an actual admin, I doubt they even have humans working at Reddit at this point. That's on my 8+ year old account..

Previously I also got permabanned on dozens of subs for commenting in a sub that was supposedly brigading, I didn't even have any harmful intention or said anything worthwhile of a ban, yet all those completely unrelated subs banned me for "participating" in the brigade thing.

It just shows what absolute trash moderators and admins of Reddit are. They're all only playing their own little agendas. They're only destroying their own community with stuff like this. I miss my favorite communities, but I absolutely don't miss the garbage surrounding it.

It was a fun game for a few hours, but my god it was so fucking overrated. They had a lucky shot hitting the timing on the early access since Pokemon was just another terrible lazy cashgrab job, so practically anything that did even remotely better would get praised into oblivion.

And like 4 months later only 1% of the amount of peak players still remains. I don't think they'll ever get close to that peak again.

Not sure why people downvote you, but most must be. Because I checked the player count this morning in Europe and it was also at 1,5 million. The only ones that play games in early hours of Europe are a majority in Asia, more specifically China. This has also been my experience with online matchmaking in early hours of the day, it's 9 out of 10 chance I got matched with either Chinese or Koreans during those hours.

I knew of this game but had already forgotten about it. Just got notified recently because the benchmark was downloaded a lot past week.

So first thing I notice was the top 1/3rd of the page being a blank space.

Then I remembered I had an adblocker.

That said, I rarely ever visit the website, but it looks like every generic blog/news theme format I've seen in the past 10 years or so lol. Never change a winning team, but it's nothing to write home about to be honest.

Well like I said, there are a lot of alternative games out there that are suited to a more casual crowd. It's good that developers still make games like Kingdom Come and Baldur's Gate to provide for players looking for more depth, immersive and engaging content.

Also, turn-based games are timeless, just like many other genres that have been around for 30+ years. I know a bunch of people that would never touched these kind of games and got completely hooked on BG3 anyway. Even myself that was never really into these kind of RPGs and tried Divinity games before, BG3 was absolutely stellar. It's one of those games that set a new standard many others could learn from these days.

They can, difference is a vast majority of people don't want to buy/build a PC, or deal with a PC setup in general, they just want to press one button to make it work and sit on the couch. So the easy option for them is buying a console, it's plug and play, while a PC requires quite some setup.

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I don't think the "average household" has a dishwashing machine lol, at least not where I live.

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Lol I can imagine, it's often the same with shows and movies trying to do Dutch and then it ends up being the most incomprehensible and cringe attempt with an insane accent.

Hopefully they just hire legit Sicilians to do the voice acting. Otherwise they might just as well not bother.

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The term "beta" has been abused for so long that it's become meaningless in terms of what it actually is supposed to be. It's just a paid demo and/or early access.

Just look at WoW, they had a "beta" for like 2 or 3 months, and a paid early access package. Adding insult to injury they started patching/nerfing stuff like a day after early access. It's annoying as fuck that they have many months of "testing" and then fail to fix the blatant issues until it hits live servers and even after the early access period. Everything screams like "should've bought the beta and early access, huh?". Paid stuff like betas and early access are just money grabs, and people fall for it. So next expansion will probably be an even longer early access period, or more bonuses.

As for CoD looking like a collection of brainrot operators, weapons and themes, I think they are just trying to figure out ways to keep CoD relevant without releasing actual identical games every time, even if it just means changing the theme. And people are still buying it, so why would they stop.

Because people will absolutely abuse it for other means, like selling shared accounts and what not.


The price increase is insane. That does not seem to scale in comparison with what you'll get in return over a regular PS5, especially if you're gonna be forced to buy the digital editions from the PS store, which are outside of the sales often the most expensively priced versions too, I've practically only bought second-hand discs for my PS5 because of that.

So either games will start running at higher framerates on real 4K, like 60FPS and up. Or developers will get lazy and stop bothering to optimise for the older generation of PS5, which will then be an excuse to upgrade to the more expensive edition to play at 4K and/or 60FPS.

I really hope the latter won't be a thing for the sake of both players and game development, there's been enough unoptimised shit lately and I hope we can move forward again.

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I remember 100% completing Zeffo, what an absolute hellhole to navigate lol

Should definitely go for Survivor once you finished FO, it's such a great sequel, without the insane mazes.

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All those under 8 reviews were definitely paid off by competitors.

See how dumb that sounds?

It isn't the original creator? I saw some advertising elsewhere that heavily implied that it was the same guy.

If it's just some company trying to leech of the success from over a decade ago, including microtransactions, that's beyond pathetic.

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For some reason I often have games disappearing from my library, like they don't even show up as purchased in the store..

And I also recently got a notification on top of my library that some games have been removed from my library, but that I can download them again if I go to the store page. It's really confusing as to why they are 'deleted' and why they can't just show up in my library.

I hate these dumb 'user experience' developments where companies are deciding what I should see in my library. I just want to see all my purchases, and have them available to me whenever I want.