Microsoft Layoffs Hit Call of Duty Warzone Mobile, Which ‘Didn't Hit as Big as Hoped’ to – 67 points –

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Not sure why companies try to push mobile games like that so fucking hard. Just because everyone has a phone doesn't mean everyone wants to play games on them.

Also doesn't help that practically all mobile games like that are created with the intention to focus on microtransactions and grindy paywalled and timegated content.

Can't say anything of value was lost with sacking studios/devs for this kind of crap. It would only be better if it were the higher-ups coming up with this garbage for once.

Not sure why companies try to push mobile games like that so fucking hard. Just because everyone has a phone doesn't mean everyone wants to play games on them.

Mobile games make more revenue than PC and console gaming combined. Of course companies are gonna try to get a bigger and bigger piece of that pie.

There are at least two other mobile games in the same genre that did very well, so this one wasn't a stretch.

Diablo Immortal made a depressing amount of money.

Us sweats mean nothing when there's a billion dollars on the table for them.

And this isn't even a edgecase. Even Bethesda/Nintendo saw their mobile games print money more than their regular games. Fortunately they have souls and think about their core audience.

They're not games, they're money-generators disguised as games!